Here's what I need


Newly Enlightened
Jul 14, 2008
I am presently a Corrections Officer and use a g2 with some sort of cree lamp.

I work nights and would like an extremely bright torch for checking cells and halls. Most of the time the light is only on for a matter of seconds, but I suppose I could keep it on for the entire range check.

Anyone have suggestions of what might work for me?

I was looking at the Solarforce 1200, but have a hard time believing it can do what the pictures say, all for $100. I'd be more powerful than Yoda if the pics were true.

Thanks guys
What sort of emitter do you have currently? The stock Surefire LED or an incandescent lamp?

For lighting up rooms (as opposed to longer throw abilities) it sounds like a G2 or 6P with a Malkoff M60F drop-in would do well ("F" is for flood). The M60F creates what some describe as a "wall of light".
Oh, OK... forget my suggestion since you already have something with a similar output to the M60.
Here's a thread about the L1200. Are you specifically looking for something brighter overall or would a different beam pattern be what you needed?
Baterija, to be honest I don't know what it is I want/need. When doing range checks I want to ensure I see ALL of the inmates cell, but I also want the light to be powerful enough to blind them in certain situations. Weight and run time aren't that important as the light isn't on very long per range check
It sound to me like what you are describing is a floodier light (wider beam pattern lighting up everything close well) as opposed to a throwy light (tight hotspot with most of the light in that one central spot that can project further). You're talking maybe 15-20 feet from where you are standing to the back of their cell I would guess? Just a light with a different beam pattern might do the trick. Would I be right if I guessed your current light had a small really bright hotspot, you have to swing around a lot to see in the cell?
I don't know exactly what you need, but to narrow your search, I would go for a LED rather than a incan/HID, just beacuse you said you only leave it on for short bursts, you'll kill bulbs that way.
M60F is great for your application. At upwards of 15-20 feet it will still be extremely visible to your cell guests,... and the closer they are the more it will blind... so it will probably serve your purpose. Plus you cant beat Gene's service.
The FM34 beam shaper would be interesting, but I have a fairly sharp defense bezel on the unit already and would like to keep that.

What about getting a Maglite with that Terralux K2 LED bulb? I see some units are adjustable to control the beam. I also see there are rechargable units for under $100 so I could do the whole thing for $150ish.

I also like what I see with the Lumapower MVP, but I'm easily amused with new "toys"

How far do you want to see.

In my mind I see a pretty long hallway and I think a Hotwire mod could be pretty good for this.

I recommend you get the Vector Power On Board HID spotlight. I got mine on Ebay for under $50. It is so powerful I have lit up trees over 1/2 of a mile away with it, and staring into it at close range is brighter than staring directly at the sun. Plus, it lasts over an hour on a full charge (it is rechargeable) so you could just leave it on when you need to.

Mine can light up low clouds, and light up a room brighter than the ceiling lights do. I am really amazed by it.

It puts out 3200 lumens!
I would think that a 6P with the Malkoff M60F would be perfect for the described situation not only because of it's brightness and spread, but because it's in a nice trim form factor.

However, if you can put up with a little more heft, I'm thinking that you could look at something like a Maglite 3-D/cell using a Malkoff "Triple".

Read the description as linked and it pretty much fits what you're looking for (and note the runtimes). As a benefit, it will reside in a Maglite 3-D/cell body, so you'll always have something pretty substantial to defend yourself with if need be.

But really, I can't imagine that 6P with an M60F wouldn't do the job nicely.
Except for that head-knocking thing. :eek:

I wouldn't think that you'd want an HID light in your situation because of the "light up" time, usually up to 10 seconds.
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When I read your first post, the M60F is the first thing that came to mind, so I'll put in another vote for that.

The other two options that I'd offer would be the SureFire L2 (probably not as bright as your current light, but it would offer a low level of light for general checking until the higher level was needed; and you can always have it modded later if you want), and waiting a bit and getting the SureFire UA2 (we really have no idea when this one will arrive to market, but once it does, it'll give you multiple levels, and the ability to shift from spot to flood).

But, since the L2 is perhaps a little outdated compared to what you're used to, and since the UA2 doesn't exist yet, I'd say go for the M60F.