This quest to find a suitable hotwire bulb for my new vintage Eveready Daylo (3D) is proving much more difficult than I thought. At present I'm looking for two things: a bulb which will work with 3xD-cells and put out as much light as possible and a bulb which will work with 9xAA-cells and put out as much light as possible.
So far the best I can find for the 3xD bulb is the GH140 from Reflectalite, which puts out a claimed 48 lumens on 4V and pulling 1.0A.
Also so far... I can't find a daggone think for the 9AA bulb.
This all got me thinking though... what if I could "make" a screw-base bulb? So far I thought of two ways to go about this:
1) Find an online supplier of E10 screw bases, buy some bi-pins of the appropriate size/voltage/wattage, and solder them in.
2) Find the ANSI standard dimensions for E10 bases, compare them to the PR bi-pin holders made by FiveMega and Kaidomain, and if possible use my dremel tool to actually add threads to a PR bi-pin holder.
So far, I have failed magnificently. The only supplier I could find of E10 bases sold them in lots of 10000 or more, and I have been totally unable to find the standard base dimensions for E10 bulbs. I've been trying to avoid taking an E10 bulb to work and measuring it with calipers because I'm not sure how precise that would be, although I imagine a few thousandths here or there wouldn't hurt things too much.
I guess my question is... has anybody else had this problem? Did anybody else find a solution? Anybody know where to find E10 screw bases or know the nominal dimensions for them? How about the diameter of the PR bi-pin holders?
So far the best I can find for the 3xD bulb is the GH140 from Reflectalite, which puts out a claimed 48 lumens on 4V and pulling 1.0A.
Also so far... I can't find a daggone think for the 9AA bulb.
This all got me thinking though... what if I could "make" a screw-base bulb? So far I thought of two ways to go about this:
1) Find an online supplier of E10 screw bases, buy some bi-pins of the appropriate size/voltage/wattage, and solder them in.
2) Find the ANSI standard dimensions for E10 bases, compare them to the PR bi-pin holders made by FiveMega and Kaidomain, and if possible use my dremel tool to actually add threads to a PR bi-pin holder.
So far, I have failed magnificently. The only supplier I could find of E10 bases sold them in lots of 10000 or more, and I have been totally unable to find the standard base dimensions for E10 bulbs. I've been trying to avoid taking an E10 bulb to work and measuring it with calipers because I'm not sure how precise that would be, although I imagine a few thousandths here or there wouldn't hurt things too much.
I guess my question is... has anybody else had this problem? Did anybody else find a solution? Anybody know where to find E10 screw bases or know the nominal dimensions for them? How about the diameter of the PR bi-pin holders?