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Holster group build


Newly Enlightened
Dec 4, 2002
Tyler, TX
I've had quite a few requests this week to make holesters for the PD-s and a few for the Luna-Sol 20 and 27.
If there is enough interest I'd be glad to make another run.
Here is what I have for now as far as hide choices and pricing.

I've also had a request for good ol' cowhide so if there is something different you are interested in, please express your interests here I will try to get options together and listed in the next couple of days.


Those who already have Matt's holsters already know that they are of the upmost quality. I must say that Matt's work is some of the best that I have seen.

I absolutely love my shark & elephant & I can't leave home without either one of them as well as my PD-S.

BTW, those look very familiar! Thanks again Matt! :twothumbs :wave:
Thanks Matt for offering these again. Count me in for one LS27 black shark w/flap (silver snap). If you happen to have any spare stingray, I'd prefer that, but shark is totally fine by me:thumbsup:.
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Those look a lot better with your lights in 'em!!

You bet, I can do stingray if you prefer and if there is enough interest.
Oh man, I think I may want another one. :ohgeez: Blue stingray & in the the same style as my other ones. When is the cut off date for this group buy?
Hi Matt,
I'd love a black croc w/ flap, silver snap, for a LunaSol 20
and I'll cross my fingers for Dons next wave of Luna20's
Will an LS20 fit in a PD-S holester?

i'm in for at least one, but i'm not sure for which light or what material.

Matt's holesters rock!
Will an LS20 fit in a PD-S Holester?
AFAIK, the only difference in the two lights is that the PD-S is about 1/4" shorter than the LS20. I have an AOTH Holester for the LS20 (last group buy) and it fits the PD-S like a glove. But the LS20 would not seat as deeply in a PD-S Holester, which may or may not be an issue.
Is the holster on the right elephant hide? If not, does anyone have a pic for me?

I want to get a holster for my LS27 and PD-S. Thinking about one cowhide and one in either croc or elephant.


Looking at all the nice holsters on your site, I've moved anway from the cowhide :D

Elephant hide black with flap and silver snap for LS27
Croc open for Ti PD-S (brown if it's nice and dark chocolate, else black)


Matt, how is the durability of the stingray vs. shark? If this is going to be my 24/7 EDC, I'd hate for it to start to show marks after 6 months use, while my shark PD-S holester looks just like new.
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Elephant hide black with flap and silver snap for LS27
Croc open for Ti PD-S (brown if it's nice and dark chocolate, else black)



+1 here on the Croc open for Ti PD-S (brown if it's nice and dark chocolate, else black)

Hi Matt.

I'm definitely in for open style crocodile for a Ti PD-S, but I'd prefer a pocket slide with no clip. As for color..."brown if it's nice and dark chocolate, else black." Works for me. Thanks.