How do I tell the difference between RaidFire Spear reflectors.

AfterWork Ninja

Newly Enlightened
Sep 15, 2008
In my reading I have discovered the Spear has two different reflectors, OP and SMO. It seams the SMO is better at throwing, or so I'm told.

How do I tell the difference?

I may have found a used one for sale. If the guy doesn't know which one it has is there any easy way that he can tell, even if he doesn't know much about the light?

Thank you
Ok, this is a pretty easy question to answer.

OP stands for Orange Peel. SMO stands for Smooth. So if you notice the reflector has a lot of small dimples in it, it is OP. If it is smooth, well, then it is SMO.

BTW, if it was me, try hard to get the Smooth reflector for maximum throw. That is what that light was designed for. I'm not sure why they made an OP reflector for some of them.
I know what you mean! My comment about the question being easy was more directed to me than to you. I was 'glad' in a sense to be able to have an easy answer to give you.

So I hope you get the Spear. I have the Spear clone, called the RQ. It has a nice form factor.