How do you like the Fenix TK41?


Newly Enlightened
Jul 29, 2012
Minnesota, USA
New here, I think I got directed here from an review I believe...

Anyways, I'm looking for a new, bright flashlight, and the Fenix TK41 really sticks out to me.

That got me thinking it's time to upgrade to a brighter light, and right now I'm practically sold on the TK-41, I just haven't made the purchase yet and wanted to ask you guys first on what your thoughts of it. The Amazon reviews for it seemed excellent.

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Hot Brass

Jul 27, 2012
Hi: I too have a 6d Maglite which I thought was the one to have back then(probably 12 years ago),but I have on order a Fenix TK-41,so I think you can't go wrong with this light as there are loads of good reviews on it. I think the 6D maglite is around 130 or so lumens as opposed to the 800 lumens on turbo with the Fenix! I can't wait! Hot Brass
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 5, 2008
Boden, Sweden

Maglite 6D was my first real "WOW" flashlight. I don't think it's really dim, even if it's very dim related to it's size compared to these days modern LED-flashlights.
I have a Fenix TK50 which is a great thrower. TK41 is much brighter and is an even better thrower. I don't think you can go wrong with TK41, it's almost like aspheric lens light when it comes to throwing and still has useful spill.

Hi: I too have a 6d Maglite which I thought was the one to have back then(probably 12 years ago),but I have on order a Fenix TK-41,so I think you can't go wrong with this light as there are loads of good reviews on it. I think the 6D maglite is around 250 lumens as opposed tio the 800 lumens on turbo with the Fenix! I can't wait! Hot Brass

Actually the stock 6D isn't much more than 100lm if one compare with the same lumen measuring standard as TK41. :)
The nowadays 100+lm 1AA lights put out more light than 6D!

By the way guys: :welcome:
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Feb 29, 2012
North Texas
You cannot go wrong with the TK41 and if you like AA rechargeable batteries its for you.
Great run time and no li-ion hassles. Of course you can go more compact with several single 18650
sized lights that are near comparable.

Hot Brass

Jul 27, 2012

Maglite 6D was my first real "WOW" flashlight. I don't think it's really dim, even if it's very dim related to it's size compared to these days modern LED-flashlights.
I have a Fenix TK50 which is a great thrower. TK41 is much brighter and is an even better thrower. I don't think you can go wrong with TK41, it's almost like aspheric lens light when it comes to throwing and still has useful spill.

Actually the stock 6D isn't much more than 100lm if one compare with the same lumen measuring standard as TK41. :)
The nowadays 100+lm 1AA lights put out more light than 6D!

By the way guys: :welcome:

I may do the Malkoff drop-in led kit later on to my old 6D Maglite....we shall see once the TK-41 arrives....maybe the Maglite will suffice with the optional Xenon bulb or maybe the Terralux led bulb? Thanks,Hot Brass
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 15, 2011
Mid Atlantic USA
I copied and pasted this from another thread where I posted it earlier.

I did much research before buying my TK-41, and for the most part I really liked it................Except for the on again/off again problem with the on/off switch. The first 2 days it worked fine 95% of the time, with only a few failures, but on the 3rd day, the on/off switch got to the point that it would only work 2-3 out of 5 tries, and it would take as many as 4 clicks to get it to turn on once it finally did work. It also didnt always turn off. Some times it would click on for like 1/10 of a second, then off again. But as quickly as it got really bad, it suddenly cleared up and started working good again, for 3 days, then it was back to screwing up 2-3 out of 5 tries. So I sent it back, but I think that bad switches on the TK series lights are rare, as not many people have posted about it. I've only gotten 2 dud lights so far out of about 20, and this was one of them, so your's will probably be fine in every aspect.

My LED was perfectly centered. If not for the bad switch, I would've really liked the light. Great beam, nice tint, great throw, nice UI, etc.

The good things about the TK-41 are: It runs on AA's, which are cheap and easy to find everywhere. Its tough, has good anodizing, nice beam, nice tint, great throw for an 800 lumen light, nice UI, I like its modes, etc.

Downsides: Its heavy compared with other similar throwers, as 8 AA's are heavier than 2 -18650's. But if you choose to get an 18650 light, you will have to buy 2 of them for about $25-$35 for 2 good ones, plus at least $25 more for a good charger for them. Whereas with AA's, you can buy a 24 pack for about $7. That will fill this light 3 times! Or get Eneloop rechargeables.

If you do choose to get an 18650 thrower light with similar specs, then the Sunwayman T40CS might be a good choice. The Olight SR51 is nice, but only has 2 brightness modes with no good low mode.
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Dec 18, 2006
Bay Area, CA
It's a good light from what I hear, there's also the E40 and LD40 which are similar to the TK41 in form factor but cheaper in price.

If you can, also get a good drop-in for the Maglite to boost it's output to better match it's size. It's still a nice light in terms of throw.



Nov 13, 2011
My advice: get the TK41.

It's one of the better throwers out there regardless of battery chemistry, and the size really isn't as big of a deal as some would have you think (especially since you're used to lugging around a 6D Maglite!).

Edit: here's a link of a TK41 (on the left) next to a 6D Maglite. The TK41 is diminutive by comparison. :D


Photo credited to:
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Jul 16, 2012
I'm really considering one of these as well. Another one of those "I absolutely don't NEED this but I WANT it bad" items. I use Eneloop AA batteries in just about everything so I think a new set of 8 would be great. Besides, the largest flashlight I have now is a 2D Maglite which never gets used so I guess it's time for an update!


Newly Enlightened
Feb 23, 2012
I'm really considering one of these as well. Another one of those "I absolutely don't NEED this but I WANT it bad" items. I use Eneloop AA batteries in just about everything so I think a new set of 8 would be great. Besides, the largest flashlight I have now is a 2D Maglite which never gets used so I guess it's time for an update!

The TK41 isn't much bigger than the 2 D mag, but it's an awful lot better! I've been through a small pile of lights in the past few months. The TK41 was one of the first I purchased and it's one of the 2 I kept. I may buy and sell a lot of lights, but the TK41 isn't going anywhere for a long time. I use it nightly at work. It's an excellent combination of light, throw, size, and price. It might not be the best light for doing up close work that requires a "floody" beam, but it'll be about as good as it gets for spotting things like wildlife in the distance. Your eyes will be more of a limiting factor than the light. Also, work up close that requires a floody beam....It'll be much better doing it with your TK 41 than it is with your mag. I say do it, you won't regret it.


Newly Enlightened
Dec 2, 2009
You may also want to consider the sunwayman M40a with XM-L led. Only runs on 4 aa batteries and still has great throw. It doesnt throw quite as far as the tk41 but its no slouch. I went with the m40a over the tk41 because of the problems already posted in this thread. The light is very well built to btw. I love it!


Jan 3, 2012
Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan
I'm still confused about the green-tint issue. Some threads state that a slight green on low is normal. I've seen other threads where people have horrible green on all levels, then there are those that say they have no green at all. So is a slight green on low normal or not? LOL....such an old question, I know.

If I were to choose where mine rates, I'm one of those that have great high modes, but slight green halo in the lowest mode. Build quality is excellent, no issues with the switches.

Overall I'm very happy with it. Just wondering if there is a possibility of having pure white in all modes. If so, mine is going up for sale and I guess I have to try for another one.


Aug 13, 2010
Just so that you're aware, I have decided on the Fenix TK41 and Sunwayman T60CS.

I decided that I want to take these two lights with me hiking in the woods at night.

This will be in addition to my Surefire 6P + Malkoff M61W, and Malkoff Wildcat MD3.

Up All Night

May 29, 2012
I'm still confused about the green-tint issue. Some threads state that a slight green on low is normal. I've seen other threads where people have horrible green on all levels, then there are those that say they have no green at all. So is a slight green on low normal or not? LOL....such an old question, I know.

If I were to choose where mine rates, I'm one of those that have great high modes, but slight green halo in the lowest mode. Build quality is excellent, no issues with the switches.

Overall I'm very happy with it. Just wondering if there is a possibility of having pure white in all modes. If so, mine is going up for sale and I guess I have to try for another one.
If you're happy with it, I wouldn't bother. You may end up with the other problems mentioned previously. My TK41 has a slight tint shift in lower modes and to be honest almost every multi-level led torch I own has the same thing. From Surefire, Zebralight, Fenix, Eagletac etc...We all perceive these "tints" differently, when I see a slight green my friends usually see white. I think any high output led light will show a shift in tint at lower drive currents. Greenish on low I can live with but it better be nice and white on high and max. Actually the only light I have that doesn't display this is the Lumintop TD15 r5 and that's because its low is more like medium on most lights.
Just my 2 cents, I'm not a gambler!


Jan 3, 2012
Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan
Good point. I guess since I'll be using it in mostly higher modes, it won't matter too much. So tint shift is normal on this light? I can accept that. +1 on your recommendation not to gamble my good built light for a shabby one. I think I'll go ahead and keep it.

I heard a U2 version is on the horizon?


Feb 29, 2012
North Texas
I'm still confused about the green-tint issue. Some threads state that a slight green on low is normal. I've seen other threads where people have horrible green on all levels, then there are those that say they have no green at all. So is a slight green on low normal or not? LOL....such an old question, I know.

If I were buying a TK41 now I would wait to be sure and get the U2 version. Mine is an early model has an angry greenish tint on low modes but its mostly noticeable indoors when compared to other lights. Outdoors alone , its not an issue.


Newly Enlightened
Jul 29, 2012
Minnesota, USA
THanks guys.

What kind of rechargeable NiMH batteries would you recommend? I'm looking at the Sanyo Eneloop AA's with the charger. I'm assuming it's a smart charger?