ifor powell
OK lets have a poll to see what people want for mounting options, maybe we can influance what gets made... Should be multi vote so you can choose board sytle and wiring...
For me, 4S, plus mounted in _some_ way.
This things have way to much connections to be comfortable otherwise.
(Well, perfect would be a distribution board where you can just re-set some jumpers to change between 4s,4p, 2s2p. Doesnt need any electronics for that...)
from the vote, it seems that some people still prefers the 4P setup :thinking: we have P7 for that right?
You should also make a third board that does 4P just as another option for those who want that. I can see your 4 independent being most popular.
4S - this will mean huge possibilities when it comes to small DIY bikelights. As long as there will be made some good not-too-large optics of course..
Im thinking like this
IF this is going to be mounted on a star or board, it woudl be a crime to not have separate pads to allow the user to determine wiring, as soldering EIGHT separate leads on an emitter the size of an XR-E would be a major PITA.