Flashlight Enthusiast
So it's cool to see people running faster and faster, lifting more and more. World record being broken is cool and all that, but you guys thing we are pushing our body a little too hard while doing these? See this video on what just happened in the olympics. WARNING NOT FOR THE SQUEAMISH.
There gotta be a limit on what our body can take, and I think we are pretty close to that, and even what we are doing right now are getting very destructive to parts of our body.
Or are we headed down the way of insects, strong people specialized in sports, big headed people specialized in thinking, pretty people specialized in acting etc?
There gotta be a limit on what our body can take, and I think we are pretty close to that, and even what we are doing right now are getting very destructive to parts of our body.
Or are we headed down the way of insects, strong people specialized in sports, big headed people specialized in thinking, pretty people specialized in acting etc?