How many actually prefer a 5 mode light?


Oct 8, 2006
This seems to be the trend lately, especially with Fenix.

Was just curious to see how many actually prefer this feature rather than just a single mode light (or no more than 2 modes like the L1T/L2T).

I'll start by saying I personally don't like it. It's overkill to me, makes the light more complicated, less user friendly, and adds to the cost.

I'd much rather see Fenix mix it up a bit and provide different versions of the same model light. I don't care for the one size fits all approach that Fenix seems to be going to.

At least the L2D CE is set up to be able to have the highest (135 lumens) with one click. In all reality, it's the only mode I will ever use with that light and is the single reason why I prefer it to my P1D CE (which takes two twists and two hands to get there). For me, the Stobe and SOS modes are nothing more than novelty toys and if I want to read at night, I'd just choose one of my other lights anyway.

I know opinions/uses vary so lets hear them. I'd like to see where the majority leans towards.
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I prefer one mode. Two modes is okay though if it's a decent interface like the L2T, but even then that's another thing that can go wrong, I definately prefer just one mode and that is really really bright. :)

Batteries are cheap, rechargeables are free lumens and it's easy to carry extras with you anyways.

I wonder sometimes if half the people here EDC just out of the fear of getting stuck in an elevator for three days.
I guess I prefer 3. 2 or 4 (actual levels, NOT strobe or SOS) is OK as well as long as the UI makes sense.

Assuming the light is multi level, my preference is for about 10 lumens for the primary level and about 60 for the higher level. I also like a low 1-2 lumen level and for me, this should be the most inconvenient to access. Used to, with Lux III lights, I thought this covered everythying but with todays Cree and SSC lights, a momentary access to 1.0A to 1.2A to the LED might be handy.

My ideal UI is basically the HDS UI.

1. First on the ~10 Lumen low level.
2. Double click alternates between ~10 and ~60 lumen.
3. Triple click at anytime to get the ~1 lumen level.
4. Press and hold at anytime to get the ~120 Lumen maximum.

The differences between my UI and the HDS UI is that:

1. The ~1 Lumen level and the ~120 Lumen level are accessable from off
2. Double clicking alternates between 10 and 60 lumens, not 2 and 10 lumens.

I see zero use for strobe or SOS.
It depends on the flashlight, its brightness, and its interface. For a light like the Fenix, I would prefer not to cycle through the 2 extra modes that the SOS and Strobe provide. I don't mind having these extra modes in a light like the HDS because you don't have to see them.

Flashlights that are not as bright do not need as many levels. In a light such as the L0P-SE, I would prefer a low/high instead of 3 levels like it has.

Also, I think in a multi-level light the levels should be significantly different from each other. The Fenix multi-levels I have seen do not provide enough of a difference visually for my preference. I don't own any of the newer Fenix lights, though, so they may be different.
As our lights are getting more powerful, I like the flexibility that multi levels give us.

To me the problem is not the number of levels there is but the implementation of the U.I.

I feel any level you want to reach, should be available in one or two clicks (or twists (but clickies are easier to use)) at the most.
2 levels bare minimum, but I don't need more. Still, I do actually use all 4 levels on my HDS. I like having a low (10 lumens) and a very, very low, plus higher levels.
high and low Minimum. if you have ever been out in the woods, where there is no people or streetlights, the high on some of these lights only blinds the user out there.
and when you are 40 miles from an outlet, or battery store, having a light slowly depeleate, or have a low mode, is a good thing.

run time will be more important, when you NEED it most, not when your demoing it, or playing with a cute UI.
5 levels is GREAT for me!!
SOS and strobe on my lights are useless.
If anything, they should be programmed "into" the light so if you do not want, you will never see it:)
I only use the Fenix L1D CE as a four mode light as the Turbo mode is not much brighter
I do the same with the L2D CE, only use Turbo If I have to
3 modes: 10 lumen, 50 lumen, 250 lumen (then a 4th mode when LED technology will permit it at 1250 lumen) ;)
More seriously, I'd like to have one or two multi-mode lights, but not all of them. Also, I'm having trouble now to find lights to recommend or donate as gift. Non flashaholics people don't seem to like multi-mode lights.

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