How many here still EDC their ARC 4+?


Newly Enlightened
Feb 1, 2007
Well as the question suggests how many here use thier ARC 4+ as their EDC or even ever use it due to the availability of the newer technology available.

One would be hard pressed at the present moment to use one I guess due to its outdated led.

I wonder how much anyone would pay for it now since its a collectors.
Will Arc ever come out with a successor to the ARC 4+?
If you keep an eye open, you'll find some Arc 4+s on BST every so often. Prices around $100-$150 generally. EDC an Arc +? Sure, why not? Just don't use it as a hammer I always say! Will it ever come back in an updated model? I doubt it. I was waiting for an updated LS but the venerable LS won't return rather a brand new model has been slated for introduction. Seems as though the classics really would have a difficult time with reentry in the market considering all of the advances since their original introduction--unless the consumer recognized that major advances had occurred and was willing to accept probable less-than-crest performance. My advice? Pick up a nice pre-owned model and treat it with respect.

I carried one of the first four ARC 4x lights until I replaced it with the Novatac 120P. I stayed up all night to try to be one of the lucky ones to get a chance to buy one of the ARC4x lights. Peter had anounced that they would go up for sale the next morning. I didn't even get to see a option to buy, but it wasn't for a lack of trying. I bought mine from another CPF member about three days later.

I never had any problems with it and in some ways I prefered it to the 120P.

I also have a ARC4+ that would only work with two brands of batteries (out of the six brands I had on hand) when I first got it. This was due to the different lengths of the vairous brands of batteries. I sent it back to ARC and they fixed it. I tried it to make sure it worked and then I put it on a shelf and kept it for a spare.

I never got a HDS light. I was in on the preorder, but I got tired of waiting and cancelled my order. By the time the HDS came out I decided to just stay with my ARC 4x.

Did I say I was happy with the ARC4 for a few years. :grin2: