Newly Enlightened
Looking for a tacical flashlight. How many lumens is too much?? I wanna stun someone and take away thier nv but I dont want to take mine away if the light bounces off the walls and back at me. Comments?
Looking for a tacical flashlight. How many lumens is too much?? I wanna stun someone and take away thier nv but I dont want to take mine away if the light bounces off the walls and back at me. Comments?
Looking for a tacical flashlight. How many lumens is too much?? I wanna stun someone and take away thier NITE VISION OPTICS but I dont want to take mine away if the light bounces off the walls and back at me. Comments?
Think about it.. Why does the FBI and US Marshalls issue the Z2 Combatlight producing 65 incandescent lumens?
Looking for a tacical flashlight. How many lumens is too much?? I wanna stun someone and take away thier nv but I dont want to take mine away if the light bounces off the walls and back at me. Comments?
Looking for a tacical flashlight. How many lumens is too much?? I wanna stun someone and take away thier nv but I dont want to take mine away if the light bounces off the walls and back at me. Comments?
Sorry, should have made it more clear as to disabling the oponents optics without your NV optic becomming disabled... I was guessing SF L4 with wide short throw.
Why do you want to stun someone and take away their nightvision? :shrug:
Don't get me wrong...I love my country as much as the next guy, probably more, and there's no place I'd rather live.....but I would never use the US Gov't as an example of logic and sensibility.
I would also never count on a light to get me out of anything but darkness. If I was expecting any other kind of trouble I'd have a colapsable baton or night stick.
Hell if my life is on the line and im a hostage send in the LAPD "D" Platoon (SWAT) or the LASD SEB.The US Marshall's are on par with the best shots in LE/Military Spec Ops teams.
The FBI HRT team is on par with SEALs as far as CQC ability goes.