I never went to any reunions. Being that a good number of my friends were from different class years it's a given they wouldn't have been there. Chances are I might see only a few people I actually was friendly with at a reunion, so I figure why bother? I had my clique in school. I pretty much didn't bother with anyone outside of it, and probably wouldn't want to now (although that's not written in stone). I'd greatly love to have a reunion with just my old friends though. I'm sorry I lost touch with them. It had to do with going through some really horrible times where I would have been lousy company, and also being mad at a few of them (over what I don't even remember). And I'm really sorry I lost touch with my old gf. I've been looking for her for a good 20 years now with no luck. No way she would have come to a reunion. It just wasn't her style, and she was a different class year than me anyhow.
In addition to what I've already mentioned, another problem with reunions is that generally only those who have been the most successful tend to go (I guess so they can brag to everyone who's there). I really wouldn't be too happy sitting among a bunch of people who are probably doctors, scientists, successful business people, happily married, some with kids, etc. When it's my turn to tell my story, it really wouldn't be interesting (unless they were into tragedies and melodrama). I guess one thing I have in my favor is that physically I haven't changed much thanks to exercise and genetics (mom is 70 next week and she's only ~10% grey). Only two years ago, someone from my old HS saw me walking by as he was waiting for a bus. I was flattered that he actually recognized me right away given that I was out of HS for 25 and a half years at the time. Anyway, this is yet another thing that would keep me from going to reunions. Not sure how I'd feel if I see some people I used to know who haven't aged well, or how they might react to me looking not a whole lot different. That goes double for the females. It might be pretty depressing seeing someone I may have fantasized over now fat, out of shape, and all grey (or maybe even with bald spots).