How oval R Surefire MN15 & MN16 Supposed 2 B


Oct 18, 2004

I have a new Surefire Weapon light, the turbo headed 9 volt & it runs the MN15 & MN16 bulbs. (M972-xxxx)

It is BRIGHT, there is no arguing that... BUT... it has the MOST oval beam i have EVER seen. I mean, WOW. This isn't a "slight" oval. One dimension is at least two times the other. And this occurs with BOTH the MN15 and the MN16.

I do NOT have another turbo head to test them in. Which is why I am posting... I don't know if this is the way the beam is supposed to look, or if something is wrong with #1 the bulbs or #2 the turbo head itself.

Thank you.
My P61 lamp does the same thing I think thats just how it is unless its really off and the beam does not shine stright then you might have a issue
The beam is very oval indeed on those bulbs, there is nothing wrong with the reflector or bulbs it is just the characteristics of the bulb.
The oval beams of the millenium series are normal. An oval beam can be very practical if you line up the wider part of the beam horizontal to the ground, it creates a wider field of view.
Don't forget vertical orientation. You can light someone up from head to toe easier, or see a long stretch ahead on the trail.

If you can find one, the N2 lamp works well the the turboheads and is a very round beam. My experience has been that it's not quite as white as the MN15 but you'd have to do a sideby side comparison to notice. The N2 is comparable to the MN 15 in output and runtime.
The N2 does have a nice round beam. However, they are no longer available. They have been superseded by the MN15. Most people that have a spare, will not be parting with them.

Embrace the oval beams. They are the best product of both the filament type and reflector that SF has chosen.

the oval beam is not a problem in real world useage. I have a M3T and never notice the oval beam or have any complaints when im using it in the field.