How the heck is this done?!?

That laser is so small, it can't have much in the way of heat sinks. I want to know how long that laser last before it burns out.
That laser is so small, it can't have much in the way of heat sinks. I want to know how long that laser last before it burns out.

Is heatsinking really the only problem when you push a laser that far? I can imagine many other things to go wrong.. But since it's only 29$ i don't know if i'd worry too much..

Someone said it looks like his 125mW Viper is this true, since you seem to have one?
PLEASE read that users' name ! Mah-larky ! Hmmmm....which is precisely what his video is :) Some older greenies can be modded to decent powers, but you really gotta be cautious, as the crystal set inside is not of high enough quality to handle the extra power you would be pumping all honesty, it's a great way to ruin a nice low-powered laser.
So are you saying you think this is fake? Do you think he just put a really expensive laser in a cheap case?
YES, it is a fake !!! It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the laser used is NOT the same one the person started with :( It would be awesome if it were true, but don't take just my word for it, ask some other folks that have been around longer than me :)

EDIT : PLEASE read my next comment for the retraction of all the stupid things I said in this thread ! TRY to find it in your lasery hearts to forgive my ignorant babbling (in this case only, please ? hehehehe) about the invalidity of the below is genuine, and I was stupid ! :)
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Lighting conditions are not as bright as they seem on the beginning of the video. Its quite dim and brownish in there and green pointer even at 50-70mW will easily appear like this in my living room on a more humid day.

just my 5c
Yes, even a slight amount of humidity, smoke or dust stirred up in the air will allow a green laser beam of even modest power to really stand out.
You know what ? I apologize ! I WAS WRONG ! {It happens sometimes hehehehehe} I "thought" (<----please use that word WISER than I did ! ) that it was a different video :( I am very sorry to all that read my comments and...well, you get the idea, I hope. This very well COULD be a genuine pot mod of this laser, as I have one myself, and messed with the pot - it DID indeed get considerably brighter, but then started to mode hop after a little bit of messing with it. I turned it back down to the rated 30mw, and it works perfectly at TEM00 as it should :) I am sorry for jumping the gun on my previous comments, I promise to do better in the future - the video is genuine, as were his results - and NO...nobody coerced me to post this retraction - I feel ashamed that I mixed up the videos, and ASSUMED incorrectly. Well, as they say in San Antonio, "SenKat happens" Erm...I mean....well, again, you get the idea !! Sorry all - my bad on this one...I promise to watch the videos and read everything before shooting off at the mouth. Stick around for my next trick......LOL
That guy is insane! Lots of reflexive things in the room, if he shoot the beam in his eye for an instant he would have dark spots in his sight now.

Otherwise, you cant mod a laser to have a visible beam. He must have lots of dust or smoke in the room.