F fstuff Newly Enlightened Joined Dec 2, 2006 Messages 149 May 21, 2010 #1 and to get it to turn on EVERYTIME? instead of sometimes having to adjust the head or tail, or smack it a couple of times. THX
and to get it to turn on EVERYTIME? instead of sometimes having to adjust the head or tail, or smack it a couple of times. THX
gunga Flashaholic Joined Nov 29, 2006 Messages 8,089 Location Vancouver, BC, Canada May 21, 2010 #2 Open the head and tighten down the pill. It comes loose a lot.
alfreddajero Flashlight Enthusiast Joined Feb 23, 2008 Messages 1,750 Location VA Beach. May 21, 2010 #3 And you might also want to make sure that the tailswitch is tight as well........clean all threads with wd-40 and see how that goes.
And you might also want to make sure that the tailswitch is tight as well........clean all threads with wd-40 and see how that goes.
F fstuff Newly Enlightened Joined Dec 2, 2006 Messages 149 May 21, 2010 #4 gunga said: Open the head and tighten down the pill. It comes loose a lot. Click to expand... omg! THX!!! it turned 1/2 revolution. comes on everytime now
gunga said: Open the head and tighten down the pill. It comes loose a lot. Click to expand... omg! THX!!! it turned 1/2 revolution. comes on everytime now
F fstuff Newly Enlightened Joined Dec 2, 2006 Messages 149 Jun 23, 2010 #5 sigh.. coming on everytime only lasted till the next day. it doesnt turn on 1/2 the time. I have to smack it. (but it no longer flickers once it is on thx to tightening of the pill.) what causes the light not to come on when i press the tail switch? and How do i fix that? THX
sigh.. coming on everytime only lasted till the next day. it doesnt turn on 1/2 the time. I have to smack it. (but it no longer flickers once it is on thx to tightening of the pill.) what causes the light not to come on when i press the tail switch? and How do i fix that? THX
B bedazzLED Enlightened Joined Jan 9, 2010 Messages 350 Location Melbourne, Australia Jun 23, 2010 #6 Hi fstuff. Sometimes with the budget lights, the soldering is not always up to scratch. The best bet is to re-solder anything that looks like solder. Most of the time this will fix it.
Hi fstuff. Sometimes with the budget lights, the soldering is not always up to scratch. The best bet is to re-solder anything that looks like solder. Most of the time this will fix it.
C cheapbastard Newly Enlightened Joined Mar 26, 2010 Messages 52 Jun 24, 2010 #7 Go systematically through the steps described in this thread: http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=227518
Go systematically through the steps described in this thread: http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=227518