How to torture an Arc AAA. Instructions included

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Darell I know who doesn't have more fun than you doing these tests "Zeke". Somebody get that dog an ice pack and an aspirin.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 5BY5:
Somebody get that dog an ice pack and an aspirin.

Yeah - poor guy. All in the name of science... Typically he leads a charmed life, but not when I'm beating him senseless I guess.

- Darell
Torture update!

Wanted you to know that my sacrificial AAA (standard) that has been through hell and back with my daughter and my dog is still going strong after its latest adventure. This last weekend my daughter learned to flush the toilet. Unbeknownst to me, she tried like heck to get my AAA to disappear. Only after I heard something clunking in the toilet did I get suspicious. I thought she had been successful in flushing it since after looking for something to help fish it out, I came back to an empty toilet bowl. But when we returned from the hotel and washed our clothes - there was the Arc, shiny and clean in the bottom of the washing machine. My daughter must have hidden it in our dirty laundry bag. So in two days, the thing was flushed multiple times, then sent through a complete wash cycle. That's pretty impressive for something that is waterproof to only 3' eh?

When my wife found it in the wet laundry she came out and said: "I have good news and bad news. The good news is I found your light, the bad news is that it's been through the wash." I had NO hesitation when I said - "shouldn't be a problem" as I twisted it on. It still works like new (just cleaner now).
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by darell:
Well, here's Zeke's site. Hasn't been updated in quite a while, but at least you can get an idea. Nobody believes that he weighs as much as he does, but he's pure muscle and skin.Zeke

This is one dog who does not need a JATO.
Darell... thanks for sharing the pictures. Great dog, and you have a very nice family.

And BTW, in the pictures, you almost look like a normal person. You being one of us, though, we certainly know better.

Best wishes!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Carpe Diem:
And BTW, in the pictures, you almost look like a normal person. You being one of us, though, we certainly know better.

Hey, thanks for the nice words, Carp. Got a big grin here.

What you see in the pictures is how I look by day. By night, as you well know, we all become something quite different.

HA HA HA!! Bring the thread back to life I will, everyone needs to see this...not just those following the current "Arc AAA abuse"
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