How well does De-Oxit and Pro-Gold work on lights?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 16, 2004
The Heartland of America
How well do these products work? What do they do for lights? I like taking good care of my lights and I would think these will help, but I've never used them. Where is the best place to get De-Oxit and Pro-Gold?
I used it to make that old chrome Ray-O-Vac 2C switch work again. Here is what I bought. That is the cleaner. They also have the protective formulation below under related items. It isn't much in the way of volume, but you only need a drop for most applications.
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I just bought some today to replace the gooey nyogel I've used the past few years. First effort, my recently found Maglite Solitaire. A new battery made it light up but after a Deoxit cleaning of the threads, wiped off, then a light application of Progold to the threads there IS a significant improvement in output, and most noticeably the whiteness of the light (versus yellow). And now... like any good flashaholic/addict, I am 30 minutes into cleaning and progolding ALL my lights, including springs, LED drop ins and springs, and battery tops/bottoms! Darn you Deoxit and Progold!!!
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For the most part, they do what the sales blurb says. If you have oxidation on the terminals/contacts/springs in a flashlight, Deoxit works well to clean it off (hence the name). An old incan flashlight will show obvious improvement from cleaning. On the other hand, a brand new light won't need cleaning. Deoxit Gold (formerly Pro-Gold) will help prevent oxidation, and help improve conductivity. Treat a new light with Deoxit Gold, you won't need to use Deoxit a year or two from now. In low-current applications, I am not sure the improved conductivity from Deoxit Gold makes much difference. But you can find a number of posts on CPF where it makes a significant difference in hotwired lights.

For an inexpensive trial, get the twin pack from fenix-store, only $8.00 shipped. The small tubes last a while, since you only use a drop or two at a time. Then you can decide if you want to invest in more later.

I've been using Deoxit, Progold, and Cailube on electronics for years with very good results. Been using it on flashlights as well, and on quite a few lights there was a visible improvement when treating the battery contacts with Deoxit.
Please excuse my ignorance here folks. I'm new-ish here... But in my short membership I've replaced my SL Scorpion incan. with a SF 6PL & a Fenix T1. (Pity I can only have room on the duty belt for 1 at a time!)... I've also upgrade both my 3D Maglites to LED.

Anyway... For years I've just cleaned my threads on the Scorpion & Mags with a rag & given them a little vaseline as lube. Now I've learned on here that despite Maglite's recommendation, vaseline may not be the best thing.

So, when I bought my T1 I got some Deox-it Gold. I thought this was just good for lubing the threads?? Should I be using it elsewhere?? What should I be doing with my 4yr old Maglites??
Yes ~ Deoxit (red), Deoxit Gold (yellow) and Shieldit (blue) ... there are people that swear by it, there are people that is skeptical about it and of course, there are people who hadn't use it before ... I'll recomend everyone to grab a tube of it ... It really does work ...

There are significant improvements after using it on my Arc-P ... It was brighter and the twistie work better than before ...

Oh yeah, Deoxit may seem oily ... but it is NOT a lube ~ treat the threads (switch / springs / contacts) first, before lubing it ... It can be used in all sorts of situation, check out deoxit's website for more details ...

For an inexpensive trial, get the twin pack from fenix-store, only $8.00 shipped. The small tubes last a while, since you only use a drop or two at a time. Then you can decide if you want to invest in more later.

I agree.
Excellent service from fenixstore once again, and it was actually cheaper than what I can buy it for here in the UK!! I got 2 x cleaner and 1 x progold 2ml tubes last week as I think that I will go through the cleaner more than the progold.
(Well I'll see if it works this time, this is the 3rd attempt to reply -- the computer and the connection are both acting up tonight :sick2:).

This topic is an oldie but goodie -- do a search and you'll find lots and lots of good information... The Truth is out there!

OK, then...Here's my contribution...

DeOxit Gold is a great contact cleaner/deoxidizer and is meant to prevent oxidation from returning. I use it on all electrical contacts including the ones on all batteries. It might just be me, but I can see the lights I treat as being brighter, longer. :caution: However... it is NOT a lube.

I do not use Nyogel myself (I use a pure silicone grease), but it is a good lube. The grease I use keeps my lights working smoothly and helps to prolong the life of the o-rings while helping to keep moisture out. It is a great lube. :caution: However... it is NOT a contact cleaner.

I see a lot of confusion or misinformation in posts lately. In some cases people are using the right products for the wrong reasons.

Here's the deal...

- Read the label. It will tell you what a product is meant to do, and why it is different. For example: DeOxit (red) is a contact cleaner/deoxidizer. DeOxit Gold is meant to prevent oxidation from returning in addition to cleaning and deoxidizing electrical contacts. They are different products for that purpose, but neither one is meant to be used as a lubricant.

- Read the owners' manual. Some parts of your light might not work if treated with the wrong product. Some o-rings do not like petroleum products. I see a lot of people using oils, petroleum based gels or lubes, or sprays on their lights. Be careful!

- Do a search. There is a lot of information available. Understand that there is some debate, however. Research the information carefully and know that sometimes products can be discontinued, re-formulated, or that sometimes people will find out about a product but not use it for its intended purpose.

It might be best to search out the information already on CPF, research it a bit further (maybe there is an MSDS -- Material Safety Data Sheet -- on the product which will give you the ingredients and its intended use), and then ask questions. We'll all find out more accurate information and get it faster, too. In addition, we'll be treating our lights properly.
i can give these two products a big Thumbs-Up !


(like that)
ProGold salvaged a stuck clicky on my Surefire E2D. The switch was firmly stuck in the "ON" position, I disassembled the tailcap and pulled the switch mechanism out for better viewing (and to try to fix it), sprayed some Caig "FaderLube," thinking since it was for sliding electrical contacts that it would help unstick my switch. No luck. Then out of frustration I sprayed regular ProGold, it freed up the switch and she's been going strong ever since!
Very interesting folks. I think I'd been previously steered towards Deoxit GOld here when I actually wanted a lube...

Anyway, no harm, I treated just the contacts in on if my 3 cells & it's defiinitely brighter!

So, is vaseline a bad idea??

I have spray on white grease too?.. & several teflon / silicon based spray lubes for guns / my mountain bike etc... the sprays are very light though?

I'm just looking for something for my threads & O rings.
This thread is for the discussion of De-Oxit and Pro-Gold only. There will be no discussion of lubricants here - please take that elsewhere, via the search function.
With reference to Chmasm's input relating the common misconceptions regarding these products, and the fact that I myself am glad to now have them cleared up, I feel that my query has arisen through the natural course of this threads development...

Therefore I think that my question was in fact relevant in the context of this thread.

Anyway, if you wish to put such an abrupt stop to my gallop so be it. You're the boss!

Sorry to have clogged up your thread folks... thanks for your input though.