Huntlight FT-01PJ Upgraded to Seoul - vs - FT01-XSE_XRE Cree


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 28, 2006
On the left is my $30 FT-01PJ with a $11 SSC-P4-Ubin emitter upgrade.

On the right is a $100 FT-01XSW-XRE with the stock Cree.

Pictures are corresponding, same shot normal and underexposed. The Cree Huntlight is on it's maximum brightness setting.

If anyone comments that the Cree flashlight should have a textured reflector, you're in agreement with me.

I've done lots of Seoul upgrades today, but I'm only posting ones that have interesting comparisons.




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The emitter was swapped with a .030 copper disc. No other mods to the flashlight was necessary, not even to the reflector. :)
Yes, the Seoul throws and the Cree spills. Thanks for the cheers.

I'll have to take some current measurements later.
EngrPaul said:
The emitter was swapped with a .030 copper disc. No other mods to the flashlight was necessary, not even to the reflector. :)

Can you explain that? I'd like to do this mod to my Huntlight.
You can download the spec sheets for Luxeon and Seoul at their respective web sites, it shows the polarization clearly.

Where are you getting the Seoul P4 s from ?

I like the mod lots. I plan to do one.

This is really cool, but I cannot mod.
Would someone be willing to accept some $$ to do this mod for me?
Bright!... now how about the runtimes and the flatness of the light output? The P4 beam looks much more blue. How do they compare in person (sometimes cameras do funny things to tint).
The beam of the Seoul mod is beautiful.

Here are the current readings from the batteries used to take the pictures.

2 X RCR-123A Powerizer 650 mAh for both.

FT-01PJ with Seoul: .50A
FT-01-XSE-XRE on Hi: .63A
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chanamasala brought to my attention there is a potential for shorting between the emitter leads and the bottom of the reflector.

To prevent this, I have applied epoxy to the top of the leads where this potential exists, after bending down the leads away from the reflector. The leads were bent down a little to move toward the board for soldering, anyway.


P.S. this o-ring inside between the pill and the reflector is a very good design element. The compression of the rubber maintains an contact actuation force between the reflector and the pill, preventing the sort of flickering problem present in Fenix flashlights.
tenfour said:
This is really cool, but I cannot mod.
Would someone be willing to accept some $$ to do this mod for me?

Same here, somebody needs to mod a few of these for us dumb folks (whilst making themselves a few quid). Maybe milkyspit should be drafted in for the cause!

Still can't get over that Seoul with the OP reflector...the beam pattern absolutely murders the cree...just looks so much better!

did you have to isolate the +ve polarity slug of the Seoul ?
this looks like a winning combo, time to start looking at new lights again
cheers mate
Wow, your mod with the P4 gives even better beam than the stock XR-E :)
No "imaginery" rings even with the stock reflector and beam looks even whiter too.

Huntlight should probably change it's while line with P4's.

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