I forgot my EDC light and I felt handicapped


Oct 17, 2007
I forgot my D10 today and almost wanted to rush back home to retrieve it.. but I finally dropped the idea. Though I have a Wee around my neck, I still dont feel good not having my main EDC light with me... even though I dont really have any use for lights in my regular days. How many of you feel this way? :thinking:
Same, it's sort of the same feeling when I accidentally leave my wallet at home but not enough for a turn around. Generally speaking I don't need it, but it really sucks when you do and it's not there.
Completely understand the feeling. I seem to recall a time where I came up with some other reason to run home at lunch, but it was really just to get my light. And, I'm sure I had two or three others in the car. :shakehead

as far as i'm concerned, considerably more aggravating than forgetting your watch (i can handle glancing at the back of my wrist all day). fwiw, my novatac has a spot next to the alarm clock on my nightstand - first thing in my pocket; last thing out of it. ymmv...
Too bad. I feel the same way too.

But in the other hand... Time to buy a brand new one!
Out of all the things I EDC, my flashlight gets left behind the least. But the few times I have forgot one provoked the same feelings you felt. My light is always the first thing I put in my pocket for the day.
I know how you feel. I always feel that way when it happens. I can't remember when the last time it did tho.:D
I can relate!

I now know what a smoker experiences when they can't light up. I lost my Arc GS AAA hiking and I was almost paralyzed even though I had a Arc6 in my main pack.

I sleep with my Aeon or Arc AAA next to me. When traveling I sleep with them on a neck lanyard.

I've got it bad...
Yep, forgot mine too :ohgeez: and kept thinking about it, the bad part about it is I have a Sure Fire, Rogue 1, SL Microstream, Proton Pro, in my Maxpedition as well as an EO1 on the keychain and still felt Naked. :whistle:

as long as i dont notice its missing im good..
when i do notice..i fret.

but only a bit.

1.wallet: i need to turn back most times.. when i leave i normally indend to go market/shop/gastation/foodjoint anyways on same trip. (if the coins in car are enough to buy what i want, i keep on going)

2.cellphone: i am not attached to it. can live without one.. i do miss it constantly (as its my clock! hahha)
-regular point of no return 2miles.
turn back anyways if i go more than 5 miles from home or friends houses and will be gone longer than 3 hours.

3.flashlight: im ok with backup or take one of those that are in my car etc.. and go along without serious difficulties. (without one near by i would feel, not naked but "odd" and "incomplete")

4.knife: not neccessary.. i can go on without one on me still. only really notice it missing when i need it.. or semi need it.. or need to play with it for fun and its not there! hahh
(knives are illegal to carry here anyways)
I have my wallet, keys, 2 flashlights, cellphone and my zippo. If I forget one of those things, I feel rather vulnerable and I find myself going back for whatever I've forgotten.
I know that feeling.:oops:

I suppose the worst thing, from a practical perspective, for me to leave behind would be my N810 handheld computer, but the one I'd feel most naked without is some knife, preferably my Gerber multi-tool and one of my lockbacks, with some flashlight (not coin cell), preferably an Akoray, close behind, and keys, N810, and cell phone (I need it as a data modem for the N810) right behind that.

Crescent wrenches, cash-wad, lighter (not a smoker, just a pyromaniac :p), and all my other lights and knives/multitools definitely make me wish I'd remembered them, but don't give me that naked feeling at all if I've got the top few.

Wallet? Not even close! (Then again, I cycle, so I don't need to keep a driver's license on me, and I keep enough reserve cash to get me out of any tight spot in each of various pockets.)
Yeah, I definitely know how you feel. You just feel naked without your EDC light--even if it's 1:00 in the afternoon and you know you will be back before dark :laughing:
I too feel uneasy if I leave my light, knife or wallet behind even though I rarely use them. The inevitable "what if" scenarios start running though my mind :eek:oo:.
I know how you feel. I always feel that way when it happens. I can't remember when the last time it did tho.:D

Same for me.
It is such an unpleasant feeling not to be carrying a light, but it has been a very long time since I ever went anywhere without one! I always carry a very powerful EDC such as my Olight Titanium Infinitum, 4 watt 83 lumen LED Lenser, or my Dorcy 220 lumen.