I found a Unicorn = Acebeam e70-al


Jun 27, 2021
I don't know when, where or why I'll need my EDC next. That makes the UI very important for EDC. Looping UIs with no memory or shortcuts are pretty much a hard no on any light for EDC or that I'm paying for with more than a dollar bill. I also NEED runtime, real time at real lumen levels. I'd gotten tired of having to change out eneloops once or twice a day in my Fenix LDxx EDC lights. (no knock against Fenix it's just the nature of the format)

So my hunt for a Unicorn began. I've added Fenix, Convoy, Sofirn, Klarus, Olight and now Acebeam in 18650 & 21700 formats; a total of more than 10 new lights in the last 6 weeks. Many came close, a few are headed for resale & a couple will be added to my collection of usable, useful lights. If you read the title you know where this is headed ; The Winner is

Acebeam e70-AL

The UI allows you to start from OFF in ML or Memory mode(4 levels) or Turbo strobe. Plus Turbo AND strobe can be entered from any ON light level, even moonlight. It uses a double click(very easy habit to learn) ON to replace the need for a lock out but still gives you a more advanced method if needed. Nothing to program, no extra dials, paddles or buttons, just one big easy to use tail switch which allows for tail standing.

It is a 21700 light so EDC in office attire may not work but it slides into my jeans & 5.11 pants w/o issue. I'm sure your briefcase, backpack or computer bag has room enough to allow you to keep it close. Light pattern is more flood than throw which is good since most of us spend time in rooms well under 5000cu/ft. High & turbo will give you reach out to an easy 100yds if needed. As for run time a fully charged Samung 30T ran the claimed 180L mid-1 level for 10 hrs. At that point I couldn't tell a difference between high & turbo and my meter had the battery at 3.0v. I might need to charge the battery after a days use but I doubt I'll need to do battery changes. The flat top can move enough when dropped to disconnect so a button top cell might be a better choice.

No it's not perfect & doesn't meet every goal for my perfect EDC but it comes close & at a price well short of $100. Excellent UI, 21700 or 18650 use, IP68 rated, solid run times at useful light levels(1L-4000L+), an OK CRI, more flood than throw beam & a profile that makes the light feel smaller than it really is in the "specs" it's going to be hard to beat. An added plus, the blue tube within the body & helix cuts make it a good looking light I'm just not sure how long it will stay that way.

If you need one light that can cover GP & EDC you really need to checkout an Acebeam e70. It's a keeper 4.8/5 [I said it wasn't perfect]
While doing some run time testing I noticed a few things. 1) The Samsung 30T battery is just short enough that a hard knock or soft drop can cause the light to reset to OFF. 2) The Sofirn battery, also a flat top, is still about 1mm longer, enough to prevent the problem. 3) The 30T provides a brighter light + a better run time on Mid-2 with 3000mah than the Sofirn at 5000mah. 4) There isn't a noticeable difference on Mid-1 & lower in brightness. The Sofirn battery DOES hold a run time advantage at this level as you might expect with a 2000mah advantage.

This is just a guess but it seems if you want the best performance from an E70 the battery is critical. Neither battery is bad, both have an advantage & disadvantage when used in my E70. The Sofirn equals brightness & has better run times at Mid-1 & below. The Samsung destroys the Sofirn in brightness from Mid-2 & above. You don't need a light box to tell the difference. Plus oddly the lower capacity 30T gave a brighter, longer run time on Mid-2 but a shorter time on Mid-1. Is that a crossover point in the E70 power demands?

To get the best across the board performance with my E70 I need to get a larger capacity Samsung 30T or whatever it's equal is called (if they have one). Or since MOST of my time is Mid-1 level & below, just use the Sofirn & deal with a 3500L turbo instead of 4600L. (that's just a guess about lumens.)

Either way I would not have known unless I tested it myself
So after a couple of months of regular use my initial review has been reinforced, it's a great light. Since most of my use is in the lower light levels (ML-Mid1) I most often use the Sofirn battery. (see above post) Daily use is mostly indoors so the 5K temp with reasonable CRI & broad even beam is great. Not so great past about 50 meters but very little of my use even covers 25 meters. Even with the lower brightness performance with the Sofirn battery (fully charged) the light will easily reach out to 100+ meters at the higher(est) levels. A smooth reflector might be a nice option for users who need a better throw but for 99% of my use the standard reflector is perfect. Regular use has the battery being recharged at around 3.3-3.5v after a week. I've not lost a higher level (Mid2 or up) or had a step down during my use. The UI is still solid. The only thing I can even ever so slightly complain about is the delay in scrolling thru the levels & this could just be me. Shortcuts for ML, turbo & strobe; still great to have & easy to use. The spiral cuts do collect pocket lint & dirt easily as feared. Clean up has never required more than a minute or so with dust blast & sometimes a soft toothbrush. The finish has held up well but then again it hasn't been beaten up during use...so far. Only thing I can even give a second thought to about buying this light at this point, even tho I had a couple unused 21700 batteries I might should have spent the extra & gotten the Acebeam battery. With it I may have had better run times & brightness with the same battery. Still that is a very minor "what if" & doesn't change how well the E70 performs overall
I have a titanium model out for delivery today. Yeah, costed $188 because of the titanium. Looking forward to trying it out. I'm new to the 21700 batteries. So far only have Fenix 5000 mah cells. Have two Acebeam cells coming with the light. Guess we'll just see, won't we.
Got my titanium version yesterday. Took quite a while for the battery to charge up. So I put in one of my Fenix 21700 batteries. Noticed it wasn't as bright as my Fenix PD36TAc. Compared the batteries and found the Fenix batteries are 3.6 volts and the Acebeam is 4.2. Will take it out tonight and see what's up.
Still the best overall light that I own (& I've added a few more). It's the light I reach for when I know I'm going to NEED a light at 100yds or less but I don't know for what or for how long. The UI is still great, the range of lumen levels fit any need I've come across & even with 6hrs of run time in a single use I still had Turbo(not sure for how long tho) The 21700 format is a bit big for total EDC commitment which is why I'm eyeing the E70 mini 18650 light so hard. It's only real weakness is the lack of throw past 100yds, a weakness I've only come across in specs not real world use to date.

Still not perfect but I'm really thinking this just might be as close as I'll get for my needs in a single light. Nothing else to say really unless I break something or truly find a unicorn
While doing some run time testing I noticed a few things. 1) The Samsung 30T battery is just short enough that a hard knock or soft drop can cause the light to reset to OFF. 2) The Sofirn battery, also a flat top, is still about 1mm longer, enough to prevent the problem.

THIS ! ! !
Just received my new Acebeam E70,
and using Samsung 21700-50G batteries produces this exact
* FRUSTRATING * flaw ! ! ! < groan >

As a desperate measure, I've tried attaching a
10mm diameter x 3mm magnet on the negative end of the cell.

This *SEEMS* to completely solve the problem.

HOWEVER . . . . .
I have this Nagging Feeling that I'm making

Am I flirting with Disaster by doing this ?
Am I about to cause a SHORT ?

Please tell me your thoughts . . . . .

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