I hate mode memory, and does anyone like it?


Aug 15, 2006
I no longer own flashlights with mode memory, and am very thankful for this.
Perhaps Zebralight spoiled me but I can't carry a light that I have no clue what mode it will come on in. Every time I would turn one on before I would have to see what mode it came on in, think about it, then cycle through anyway to find the mode I want.

Give me H-M-L, L-M-H, M-H-L, I don't care, just don't give me mode memory!

P.S.: I bought a cheap pistol light a year ago that had multiple modes... it had mode memory! If I didn't set it just right it would come on in low mode if I ever when to use it. That was a dumb idea.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 17, 2008
I have been EDC'ing a Mcgizmo Haiku for the past 3+ years, and mode memory is was sold me on the light. Since I use one mode 90% of the time, I just leave it in that mode, and i know it will turn on at that setting, the next time I use it! I also like that I can set it on high mode (tactical) or low mode (nightime use) before I clip it in my pocket, and I know I will have the right mode, when I pull it out to use. I do far less cycling through modes, then I have with L-M-H or H-M-L flashlights.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 10, 2015
Michigan, USA
I used to like hybrid memory but have moved to pretty much all no-memory, since I like ascending modes and largely use a moonlight or low mode for most EDC tasks, I greatly appreciate the consistency of my light always coming on the lowest mode so I neither blind myself or needlessly over-illuminate an area.

Mode memory can be useful for a light that is always used in the same mode or two, think like a shop light or utility light , but I don't appreciate it for an EDC that is pocket/jacket carried constantly as I need my light to consistently turn on low/moonlight rather than remembering the last mode I used. In an e-switched light this can be mitigated some by having easy shortcuts to high and low from OFF, so you can always reach a consistent output even with memory.


Newly Enlightened
Aug 19, 2003
I totally dislike memory mode. I try not to buy any flashlights that have memory. Like the last poster, I like L-M-H order, and I want my lights to always come on in low/moonlight. I can see the usefulness of a way to get to high directly, but only if it doesn't sacrifice direct access to low/moonlight.


Newly Enlightened
Aug 19, 2003
PS: One possible diplomatic solution is the Eagletac DX3B. I don't own one of these lights, but if I read the Amazon page right, you can set the light to any brightness (there are 5), and then long click for 5 seconds. This will set that brightness level to be the default when you turn on the light.


Feb 14, 2012
I don't mind it on most of my Thrunite lights because it excludes firefly or turbo, and I can get to those with either a long press or double click from off. Turning it on at high, medium or low is not a big deal to me. However, I have other lights that include firefly or turbo and it's either WAY too much or WAY too little light during normal use.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 5, 2008
Boden, Sweden
I like mode memory providing the lowest and highest mode have direct access and that these ARE NOT memorised, and that the difference between the levels are so big I can easily se what mode is on. Thrunite fulfill these requirements with several of their models, and therefore is a favorite brand for me.


Feb 18, 2014
I like mode memory, I just have to remember to set it to the mode I want when I'm done. I use the momentary forward clicky a lot. Having a light that starts in medium or high doesn't work for me.


Newly Enlightened
Jul 25, 2015
Irvine, CA
I prefer mode memory in a light I use for work. If I had a LMH light, or HML, I would not be happy, as I usually use my light in medium mode, occasionally in high mode. Going from medium (starting from mode memory) to high with a half press when on is painless. But a light that I have to adjust multiple modes every time I turn it on, is just too frustrating. For my daily edc (work) use, low mode doesn't have too much utility

If I need an ultra low or moonlight light, I pretty much only need that at home, so I keep it on my bedside table for nighttime use.

Edit: I sometimes do day/night carry my ZebraLight SC5w as long press gets moonlight/low mode (however you set it up), single short click gets high, and double click gets medium. Triple click gets strobe and quadruple click gets battery life indicator. It's just on the big side for my preferences of EDC. But great mode accessibility.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 31, 2015
I have no love for mode memory if it does not include the lowest mode

The Folomov style mode memory is one of the worst I have experienced because even though there is a shortcut to the minimum level, the next mode can be any of the next 3 levels. Since I dont always use the same light, I never know what level my Folomov will come on at, after the shortcut to minimum. This forces me to cycle the modes repeatedly to figure out what mode Im on.

The Olight style mode memory is tolerable for me, because when I use the shortcut to minimum it Always produces the next lowest mode on the next click.

Because I dont remember what mode is memorized in my Folomov and Olights, I almost always use the shortcut to minimum when I use those lights.

regarding twisties
I have a Thrunite AAA TiXmas that always comes on at minimum of 0.04 lumens. It is an LMH light. I find that aggravating, because I only use minimum infrequently. I greatly prefer MLH as in the Lumintop tool, or MHL, as in my Olight i3s. With those lights I always know what level they will turn on at, and I always know how to reach the lowest level, without guessing.

However, all those twisty and clicky UIs have lost appeal for me, since I discovered the Jetbeam RRT-01 infinite rotary UI. Ive pretty much stopped buying clickies and twisties since I started using the RRT-01.

I have so many clickies and twisties with varying UIs, that it has become unnecessarily demanding for me to have to think about what level my lights will come on at, and what levels they will move to on second click.

I tried the HDS rotary UI, but it is not smooth ramping, plus it requires two actions to get to any level, first button, second dial.. Im very familiar with all the programming options and all the clicky codes, but I prefer not to have to think about what clicky commands I need to use to get to different levels.

I tried using the HDS mode memory option, briefly. It did not last, and I soon turned it off. I like lights with the option to turn off mode memory.

I also tried Anduril, in a D4. I did not enjoy having to anticipate when to let go of the button during ramping, and I usually had to ramp up and down multiple times, to find the setting I wanted. Since it has mode memory, I always used the shortcut to minimum and then ramped to whatever level I wanted at the time. That was a lot of unnecessary mental overhead for me.

There is no comparison between Anduril or HDS UIs, to my Jetbeam Rotary UI.

The sunwayman V11r has the rotary UI of a Jetbeam, but it adds a button. This creates a mode memory option, that I have no interest in.

I cant say enough about what a game changer the Infinite Rotary UI of the Jetbeam RRT-01 has been for me. I pretty much stopped buying clickies, and sold my HDS, soon after I discovered the RRT-01.

I recently bought a Jetbeam AAA twisty with mode memory. Im OK with it since the light is just a host for me to discover how I feel about the 6500k Optisolis. But I would have preferred if it did not have mode memory and had a predictable level that it would always start from.

At this point, I also consider any UI from the perspective of a muggle. The Jetbeam Rotary UI is so intuitive, there is no need for any training or instruction for a muggle to use it. There is no other UI I have tried, that does not require me training a muggle on what sequence of clicks or twists are required to use the light.

And dont get me started on how many different lights I have purchased, in the search for the perfect selection of clicky or twisty modes. Some are good during the day, some are good on the nightstand, but the RRT-01 is the ONLY light UI I have experienced that can meet ALL my daily use patterns, without ANY premeditation to remember what mode is going to turn on first, and what level the light might jump to after that.

for me, no mode memory, no clicky, no twisty, no programmable hops, can compare to the RRT-01 UI. I only wish the light had LVP. Other than that, it is as close to perfect as any UI I have ever tried.

If you read this far, I recommend you NOT try the Jetbeam RRT-01, because it will ruin your affection for all your other lights, and will probably put an end to your endless search for yet another light, with yet another range of mode options.

You have been warned ;-)


Sep 21, 2017
I don't like it at all. I like UIs that give me instant access to the mode I want such as a gas pedal twisty. With a mode memory light half the time I am blinding myself until it ramps down, and the other half of the time I am waiting for it to ramp up while whatever caused that creepy noise I heard is potentially getting closer but I can't quite illuminate it yet. Not fun.

thermal guy

Jan 28, 2007
Omg. I don't think I could use a light that did not have mode memory. If I'm using the light it's on a setting that I need. So when she comes out again now I'm all set.We all work in different ways though so I can see why some would not like it.If your light turns on at the highest setting there goes your night vision.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2004
In the Sticks
There are certain lights that benefit from mode memory and some that do not.
Most of mine are no brainers and I can tell what I m going to get because that's what I used last. From the HDS Rotary and Tactical to the Surefire UDR Dominator. I like to pre select what I mean getting before I get it.
In saying that I wouldn't care for a light that only has 3-5 levels and I can't remember what it was last and at the same time I don't like starting from low and cycling through the levels.


Sep 16, 2014
I like mode memory, I just have to remember to set it to the mode I want when I'm done. I use the momentary forward clicky a lot. Having a light that starts in medium or high doesn't work for me.

This is exactly why I don't like mode memory. Remembering to set the light back to the mode you want when you're done. This is an example of working for the tool, rather than the tool working for you. I dislike extra steps or anything that takes my concentration off of the task at hand. Having to remember to take extra steps after using the light means I'm paying attention to the light, not whatever I'm doing with the light.


Sep 16, 2014
If your light turns on at the highest setting there goes your night vision.

This. Frequently I won't remember what I was doing last with the light. One that's been getting me lately is walking down into the basement at work. It's completely dark, but my eyes are totally NOT dark adapted because I just came down out of a well lit room. So I find I frequently use high or at least medium when I'm down there, because my eyes haven't had time to get sensitive enough for lows to work well. Then I leave work and either I'm in my car or in my house, go to use the light wanting low mode, and all of a sudden I'm half blind. D'oh!


Dec 23, 2008
Penn's Woods
"Grew up" here on McGizmo's 3 speed LE, carries a Haiku for years. Mode memory rules. It's the main reason I like the H17f driver. (Okluma, etc.) I like being able to pre-set where the light will come on.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 2, 2007
I'm with you, no mode memory. Never liked it, try not to buy lights with it. Often it will not remember what you want, and more often it changes what's in memory when you don't want it to. In the end fiddle, fiddle, fiddle fiddle. The problem is they only implement a very poor memory, I think it's the AARP version.