I just saw some D size lithium cells for sale $22.

My KD D cells look slightly different from those in the link
MY KD ones have a flatter positive contact and do not have
the "+P" marking
there are better cells available for cheaper (not protected though)

i ordered mine, waiting for them to come to i can evaluate it

but they are 6000mah true capasity and with shipping come to about $18 a cell
Oops, I forgot to answer the question:
"Are they any good?"

Well, yes - I've tested them at 5000mAh capacity (that I was able to drain out of them). I have both the protected and the unprotected versions. The unprotected ones are capable of delivering plenty of power (3C is claimed, that equals 15Amps). My protected ones work with 3584-L, 3583-L & 3583-H but not with my 3584-H bulb - I will need a soft start solution (like a NTC Thermistor) to stop the protection from kicking in. The protected cells also work with my 64430 that runs from an AW soft start switch when powered by 2 x 32650 cells - but not my 64430 running from 3 cells regulated to 10V by my AlanB driver, too many amps being drawn by running the bulb at 79W I think.

You have to consider your application and how many amps will be drawing from the batteries. If you are going to use them with an incan bulb then also consider the inrush current when you first turn the light on, the surge can be more than twice the amps compared to when the filament is hot.
I have 2 of these from KD, and tried to order 2 more since i building a bigger flaslight :D. It was just some days before they put "sold out" on picture. So i got the message from them it was stopped producing..

But then i also saw same battery for sale at BestOfferBuy. And wrote them an mail before ordering if they could get them since i had a canceled order at another web shop. Hey, they cecked it out and no problem to deliver. I ordered two of those and we see when i get them in a couple of weeks :cool:
Nice customer service there btw
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