I knew it was a mistake


Feb 26, 2007
South Mississippi
I found this forum and asked for some recommendations for a new light. I received lots of good info on lights I never even knew existed. Based on the info I ordered a Fenix L2D CE. It came yesterday and I will never be the same again! I went out into the yard last night to play with my new toy. I compared it to my 4D Mag and my 2A Minimag with the LED conversion. I aimed it at objects close and far. No comparison to either of my old lights. I will keep the big Mag for headknocking purposes, but I know which light I will be using most. I am now on the hunt for my next purchase. D@mn you, D@mn all of you for doing this to me!!:laughing:
throw your credit cards away and block your access to this website. fast fast but if you see this msg ITS TOOOO LATE
we will be glad to assist u for many ways to spend yr wealth here :)

Next, how abt a USL ?? or maybe u can try some easier Mod a Mag versions

then come next, HIDs :)

Great u enjoy yr stay here :)
Nice purchase! I myself am thinking about picking up an L2D-CE...a great buy for the price. May I suggest you pick yourself up a high powered incan next...or possibly look into building yourself a ROP...very easy to do and HELLA bright! It will make your L2D-CE look like a MiniMag :grin2:
A great sculptor once said whatever he sculpted in stone was already there and he just chipped away the excess pieces. So it is with flashaholism. We were always flashaholics, it just took this forum to chip away the excess pieces. :)
I think the interesting thing is that you got good solid advice based on the specs of the flashlights - the L2D CE is an awesome light and an excellent value when you compare its specs with those of most lights.

In my experience, the lights with good specs AND good recommendations do the best. The lights I have that are outdated based on the specs (or which for one reason or another came into my possession even though they weren't the kings of the specs) I find are inferior to those that top the specs fairly reliably.

Congratulations on listening to the BEST advice out there, and for not being taken in by the siren calls of the lesser, or outdated, lights!
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Yep. I know what you mean. Before finding this site I had a few Mags. NOW, I have SEVENTY SIX flashlights. :sssh: My latest is the Surefire L2. :rock: Don't do what I did and buy a bunch of cheap lights even though I have several very good ones. If fact, go ahead and order you a Surefire L2 right now while you're sitting by the computer. The quicker you order the quicker you will have it to admire. You can get 20% off from Spyder Tactical Supply. Hurry before Steven runs out:lolsign: .
What about a 135 Lumen CREE enhanced P1? IMHO it is ideal for keychain carry That way you can always have it with you.
tsask said:
What about a 135 Lumen CREE enhanced P1? IMHO it is ideal for keychain carry That way you can always have it with you.
That, I think, will be my next light... :party:
Every Flashaholic also *must* at least try a SureFire A2 Aviator, be sure to give it a fair chance, it's a light that needs time to be appreciated, give yourself at least a week or two with the A2 before making final judgement, it's not meant to "WOW!" you in any one category, it's just a great, well balanced *tool*

3 lumen wide, floody LED beam (roughly 20 hour runtime when run exclusively on LED), the LED beam is just right for 80-90% of the usage of the A2, it's just the right amount of light, choices of models with a red, green, blue, yellow/green or white LED ring

"50 lumen" (actual measured output is mid 70's or so) *REGULATED* incandescent beam, very clean, white light (color balanced around 3000K), and the beam *stays* that brilliant white for the entire 50 minute run of the batteries, when the batteries can't drive the incan bulb, they still have approx. 25% charge left and will still run the LED's
the incan regulator has a "soft start" feature which slowly ramps up the voltage to the bulb during the first 50 microseconds or so, greatly increasing bulb life

the A2's 2 way switch is a work of genius, push the momentary button lightly for LED, push all the way for incan, or twist the tailcap for the same setup, first position is LED, second is incan, if you don't need the incan, you can turn the tailcap just enough so you can use the momentary button to illuminate *only* the LED ring

here's an example, two SureFire lights, on the left, the "50 lumen" A2, the right, the mighty 120 lumen P61 bulb.....

yes, the P61 has a larger hotspot, but which one is *whiter?*.....

now's a great time to give the A2 a try, with all the new Cree lights on the horizons, there are a lot of A2's up for sale and trade in the B/S/T section of the website

i'll never sell mine though, it's my EDC, i'm never without it.....
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Glad you're enjoying your new L2D CE, Katdy. I feel obligated to warn you that you should NOT buy any Surefire flashlights with the 2 cr123 form for the next 6 months. As far as LEDs are concerned, Surefire is in the process of rolling out their Cree based lights, so they're more or less desperately trying to unload the "old" Luxeon based lights they have right now. As far as Incans are concerned, the Cree based LED lights (such as the Huntlight FT-01) has more output than the Surefire P61 Lamp (incan) AND has way more runtime as well.

You would be wise to ignore ANYONE who tells you to buy either a Surefire LED or incan flashlight right now; I highly suspect they're just trolling for their favorite brand at the expense of your checkbook...
Yes, sadly I can see many more flashlight purchases in the future. I am curious though. Based on what I have just experienced with the new LED why would I want an incandescent? I admit I did not have new batteries in the Mag when I compared but the Fenix just blew it away! And the thing that really impresses me is it is doing this with AA batteries. I always have these around as I have countless toys which run off AAs in the house and camper. The Surefires are tempting, but initial cost and battery cost, I don't know?? :confused: