#$^&@$%@#$ I lost my 6P :(


Nov 4, 2007
Dammit... I went to the local go cart race place, and I guess it fell out of my pocket :(

The thing is... it was my dads, and he passed away in August, so it had alot of sentimental value.:mecry:

Any of you have that happen to you?
Dammit... I went to the local go cart race place, and I guess it fell out of my pocket :(

The thing is... it was my dads, and he passed away in August, so it had alot of sentimental value.:mecry:

Any of you have that happen to you?

That sucks...

Nobody found it ?
You`ve tried calling them I gather...

that sucks. I try to keep my brothers stuff safe and kept away. At leadt the stuff that means something to me. Have you tried calling the go kart place?
If you can, try calling the go kart place and see if you can find the light. It should still be fine if someone hasn't taken it.
Sorry to hear this. I made the mistake of lending my 12 year old my A2 while we were on vacation last summer. She put it down in the game room of the hotel we were staying at and forgot it. Needless to say, it was gone the next day:shakehead

My fingers are crossed.

Hopefully you'll find it when they're open again!
Damn that sucks, where are you located?

I went go carting in LA this past weekend and kept checking my pockets. I was scared I was going to drop something so checked the car twice every time I got out :D.

BTW call the place when it opens, let the person know it was a gift from your departed father. That way is some worker did pocket, they may feel bad and turn it in knowing it was a gift from your father :).

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