I love My OLight T20-M


Newly Enlightened
Feb 9, 2007
This thing just astounds me to no end. I've owned this for 3 weeks and sure as heck wish it would have been around long ago...I would have saved a lot of money buying lights that just now sit and collect dust.

I am not as deep into this alternate 'lightstyle' as some of you are, but I suspect I am deeper than many. I got into this hobby a couple of years ago maybe, when buying the AAA Dorcy and Metal Gears were all the rage. Of my notable lights, I recently acquired a Malkoff drop in for my 6P, and also have the requisite number of Maxfires modded with DX dropins, two JetBeam CL-E's, LOD-CE and the Terralux 4-6 D Mag LED.

Even against the Malkoff, I am HUGELY impressed with this OLight.

- POWER Center spot is very clean and to my eye, might be a tad brighter than the Malkoff (although the Malkie's spill is a fair amount brighter, accounting for the higher overall lumen numbers)

- Three levels are PERFECT
7 lumens @ 70 hours
60 lumens @ 6 hours
220 lumens @ 1.5 hours
Just the perfect amount of light configurations available for any nighttime task I might need light for, and no having to choose a flashlight dependent on whether your task needs runtime or output.

- Strobe...I don't know whether it's the timing of the strobe or the high output of light, but this is the most disorienting strobe for self defense I have ever seen. I actually would use this strobe setting, and think it is probably more effective than simply using max.

- SIZE SIZE SIZE...this thing rides in your pocket like a spider monkey...unlike my 6P, it doesn't feel chunky at all

- Water Resistance...a buddy who introduced me to this light doesn't lube ORings at all and his has already endured the washing machine test.

Maybe it's just because I haven't been as active as I once was, but I am sort of surprised I haven't seen more threads on this light. Specifically THIS model... between the regular T20, the Tactical and the Military, this thing really fit the bill for me.

Two things I wish it had, but really don't matter to me:
Official Waterproof IPX8
Lifetime Warranty ala Streamlight
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While I only have the T10 - Q5, I am with you on the olight love. It's size and runtime and ease of use make it a favorite. It's my standard EDC at the moment.

I only wish that the T15 had a smaller body size. Aside from battery availability, there isn't really a reason to use the T15. Barrel size is the same for the T10 and T15.

Incidently, I have been thinking of picking up the T20 - (whichever one has the forward tactical switch.)
IIRC the Tactical and Military models both have the forward clicky, with selection of mode by head twists, and they both memorize the last mode you left it on.

The Tactical has more light brightness levels, but I chose the Military model, since it has the strobe function. Even though strobe has always just been another mode I have to cycle through with my other lights and has really served me no purpose on them, I was VERY impressed with the strobe on this light when I was first introduced to it, and that is the mode I have the light set on.
I have the T-10 with an extra T-15 battery tube. The light works great on 3 or 1.5 volts. I am also happy with the output and runtime and the ability to use 2 different kinds of battery dependent upon what I have at the time.
I have this light as well and couldn't agree more with the OP...

It's a great, simple, versatile, high-powered light - a definite keeper.

Good writeup, Eskimonio!
I have the Olight T20 Premium Q5 and also regard it highly. It's bright as heck, and I like the IU better than the Fenix P3D. I can't recommend Olight enough.

- regards
If I could only have 1 light... the T20 would be it. Small enough to edc... Bright or dim enough for around the house or outside... tough and water resitant. What more could you ask for in a light?!!!