(I apologize to the moderators if this should have been in homemade & modified)
The beam turned out well. No more dark ring or artifacts in the hotspot.
Also, there is no hole in the hotspot when you are close to something, reading for example.
I had adjusted the beam prior but I had the McR on hand from another project so I decided to try it last night. It's staying in the L1D now:laughing: When I bought the McR reflector from the Shoppe it was $12.00
The original reflector came out easily. There are two holes on the back of the reflector to engage. I used a pair of needle nose pliers that I filed the ends down to pins.
Using Sanyo 2700's my original lux readings were (Head adjusted for ring)
Turbo: 983
Low: 117
Med: 453
Hi: 843
Lux readings with McR-17XR
Turbo: 1,143
Low: 138
Med: 527
Hi: 986
An increase in lux is never a bad thing:laughing:
For the prior project I had removed about 1.6mm from the lense end of the reflector and champhered the 12.7mm dia shoulder at the emmiter end. I suspect that an unmodified McR might fit in the light. The L1D gained 1.5mm in total length. The large O-ring in the head is still seated so I expect that the original water tightness remains intact. The lense end of the reflector is supported completely by the lense so you have to be careful about not tightening things down too hard when you are done (there is a 1mm gap between the edge of the reflector and the bezel). The McR reflector sits directly on the CREE aluminum ring so you could (maybe) crack the ceramic wafer below it if tightened to hard.
Also, the spillbeam area decreases some but it was worth it for me.
Hope this is helpful to some of you.
The beam turned out well. No more dark ring or artifacts in the hotspot.

Also, there is no hole in the hotspot when you are close to something, reading for example.
I had adjusted the beam prior but I had the McR on hand from another project so I decided to try it last night. It's staying in the L1D now:laughing: When I bought the McR reflector from the Shoppe it was $12.00
The original reflector came out easily. There are two holes on the back of the reflector to engage. I used a pair of needle nose pliers that I filed the ends down to pins.
Using Sanyo 2700's my original lux readings were (Head adjusted for ring)
Turbo: 983
Low: 117
Med: 453
Hi: 843
Lux readings with McR-17XR
Turbo: 1,143
Low: 138
Med: 527
Hi: 986
An increase in lux is never a bad thing:laughing:
For the prior project I had removed about 1.6mm from the lense end of the reflector and champhered the 12.7mm dia shoulder at the emmiter end. I suspect that an unmodified McR might fit in the light. The L1D gained 1.5mm in total length. The large O-ring in the head is still seated so I expect that the original water tightness remains intact. The lense end of the reflector is supported completely by the lense so you have to be careful about not tightening things down too hard when you are done (there is a 1mm gap between the edge of the reflector and the bezel). The McR reflector sits directly on the CREE aluminum ring so you could (maybe) crack the ceramic wafer below it if tightened to hard.
Also, the spillbeam area decreases some but it was worth it for me.
Hope this is helpful to some of you.
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