I told myself, I could stop the juice whenever I wanted…


Feb 16, 2005

Hi, Terry!

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"I can stop whenever I want" :whistle:


That picture is over 1 1/2 years old....they have reproduced since then. Yeah, that's the ticket :D
"I can stop whenever I want" :whistle:


That picture is over 1 1/2 years old....they have reproduced since then. Yeah, that's the ticket :D

Thats a mighty fine box'o'batteries you got there:drool:
now i dare you to connect them all in a row and put a wire from the - end on your tung and place your tung on the +
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Such SHOCKING photos !

In fact, they are almost REVOLTING ! ! !

Although, i must admit, i DO kinda' get a Charge out of 'em.

It's nice to have an OHM for all your batteries ... WATT a nice looking box ... There's AMPle room for them all ... The valuable ones should be kept in a bank VOLT.

p.s. COULOMBus discovered America ... He was a proper ERG.
Nice to see this is a current thread - I have a habit of being late to the party on these things. Awfully funny AA meeting pic, and very clever, Mr Brown.
Won't putting the positive end and negative ends together cause them to self balance each other ? This will cause a higher discharge rate while in storage.
Only if you release batteries from incarceration when you play Freecell.