I trust rechargeable AAs above 123As and 18650s


Aug 15, 2006
I have used a Fenix L2T for the last few years, and a single set of Energizer 2500mAh batteries has lastest me the whole time. These things won't quit! I have in the mean time bought many CR123A flashlights, and have been powering them with Ultrafire and Trustfire batteries. These rechargable 123As seem to loose their charge completely in under a month, and run out right away. I bought some 18650s to use in my lights instead, but I can't seem to trust them like I trust a nice rechargeable AA. I am thinking about getting a JetBeam Jet-III, but am now tempted by the Fenix TK-20 because it is powered from AAs.

There is just somethign trustworthy about good ol' AA!
It's not really fair to compare like that. Energizer (USA - Big brand) to Ultrafire (Small chinese manufacturer) Although :D energizer rechargables truthfully are on the same level. Anyhow..... Try AW or use primary lithium.
I don't think it is about "fair" Bad quality is bad quality no matter what the company/technology/form-factor.
AA had decades of development and millions of dollars in funding, it will be better/consistent and/or be cheaper. There is also a question about quick replacements...
On a flip side - the other types of batteries *may be* more purpose designed and fit better the roles assigned.

It is not bad to standardize on common batteries, just don't discount a bad luck of R-123s and pull 18650 into the same pile.

As far as TK20 - nice light, I like it more than L2D, but they target different market segments.
BTW, I am standardizing on AA myself, but more because of cost reasons and commonality.
The part I can't believe is that the Energizer 2500mAh batteries still have a charge in them after a month! :crackup:

The energizers you're talking about and the rechargeable lithiums are both pretty cheap batteries. :shrug:

It seems like you are giving the two types of batteries different criteria. This is how I read what you've said: You use the L2T everyday and probably charge the batteries every other week, but the other lights sit on the shelf and they self discharge in a month?

If that's right, they are very different tests.
I definitely trust Eneloop AAs over any of my LiIon cells. (I have mostly AW's) I've had things go sour a few times with cells being shut off by the protection circuit. Luckily I always have some primary spares. I haven't had problems with any of my 18650's yet but RCR123s have definitely been a PITA as have my C LiIOns.
I too like Eneloops, but the Li-Ions I use have given me excellent service the past two + years. LG 18650, Pila 400, and 600's, and some no name 17650's, also Powerizer RCR123's. These have been very dependable for me.

Energizer 2500's are just about the worst, they have had a horrible history of losing their ability to hold a charge longer than a few days. These days I've been using Eneloops just about exclusively.

I don't think NiMH cells are especially more reliable than other types of cells, but they are easy to find, and they interchange with each other and with lithium or alkaline AA's. I vastly prefer them to non-rechargeable cells for cost and environmental reasons, and I vastly prefer them to lithium ion rechargeables because of the interoperability mentioned. I just despise having to travel with a half dozen different chargers for separate lithium powered gadgets, and having to do an online hunting expedition whenever a lithium rechargeable cell craps out and I need a replacement. NiMH AA's and AAA's also crap out at about the same frequency, but but they interchange, swapping in spares and buying additional ones is easy. And one charger is enough to handle an entire deployment of AA/AAA cells.
I think the OP has a good point because it came from his own experiences. In addition to enelops, I have good experiences with Powerex 2700 as well. At home and workplace, I also make a point to have dozens of primaries around as backup.

It is important to work with something that one trusts and feels comfortable with, be it AA or 123s.

However, Illum_the_nation really spoke my mind though. :naughty: (Let me go check on the Pila charger now)

With Aloha,

How you take care of RCR's can also affect their performance. Some chargers can over charge a cell and constanty having the protection circuit kick in can negatively affect a cell. Same goes with having the protection circuit kick in frequently for over discharge. A good quality cell that is maintained and used properly can be very reliable. I have some frequently used lithium ion cells that are two and a half years old and are still functioning well and functioning much better than some of my early NiMh.
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The circuit on a protected Li-Ion is just another point of potential failure.

It's also comforting to know that no matter how much you abuse a NiMH, it's not capable of burning down your house in a fireball.

-1 for 2500's
+1 for Eneloops
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Never had problems with 123's and 18650's. I've had all sorts of issues with Energizer 2500mA though. They are good as dead after two weeks, can't seem to meet their 2500ma claim etc. etc. Eneloops are the only NiMH I trust now. I'll never give up my 18650's and 123's for high performance.

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