I want to take a stab at a multi-LED 2C


Mar 3, 2007
The Lone Star State
I'm going to have one professionally built but I also want to try one myself to build up my skill level. I would like to build a tri-LED Mag 2C using the tools I already have.
Soldering iron, solder, wire stripper, pliers, hand drill.. Basic stuff..
I do not have a lathe or end mill. The simpler it is, the better.

Now, with that said, I need a laundry list. I would like to build something that is super bright with only 3 LEDs be it SSC or Cree.

1. Mag 2C
2. UCL lens
3. MagClickie tailcap from modamag
4. 2x AW C-cells

What else do I need? Remember, I don't have machining capabilities so everything will pretty much have to be dropped in and/or soldered if need be. I can use sandpaper in a pinch to make things "fit".

Thanks guys for the help.
Good Question, I think I have an Idea of the parts but not the type of driver I would need. Anyone?
In addition to what I already listed I will need..

1. driver board
2. emitters/reflectors
3. heatsink

Am I missing anything else? I searched the Sandwich Shoppe for instructions and walk-throughs but all the links are dead. :mecry:
Thermal adhesive.......arctic alumina i think its called....
you will need this to isolate the emitters and glue them in place.
If you were going to go cheap, I would suggest running These regulators, one for each emitter, all in parallel. I have done this on one build as a quick and easy way to get a multi-emitter maglite.

A more expensive but more elegant option would be to get the shark driver from Sandwich Shoppe for $20, then use a potentiometer to achieve variable brightess. You could either buy an acual pot component, and stick it through a hole in the side of the light, or get the Remora PCB from the Shoppe ($10) to give you a purely electronic interface.

Thermal adhesive.......arctic alumina i think its called....
you will need this to isolate the emitters and glue them in place.
Another option is to use stars -- since this is only a 3-emitter build, they will comfortably fit inside a maghead, either using one of Litemania's tri-star heatsinks. here is another heatsink, from Download, that is adjustable height, so it will work for a tri-emitter build, or using the reflectors he sells, even a 5-emitter build.
Do you have to run a pent.? I just want off and on (full brightness). The heatsink from download looks nice! Thanks for the heads up. The Shoppe also sells some nice heatsinks with the star shape already cut out for 3 of them.
Use the PTS2 (Perfect Tri-Star 2) with the Shark and Remora board...get stars for ease of installation and the build will be simple. Almost all is available on the Sandwich Shoppe site. SSC stars will be available from Photonfanatic sometime within the next week, or you can order Cree stars now.
I don't think I'll need the UI board. This is a simple build..Not saying it has to be cheap. Just simple.

I *think* I know what all I need to order. Now I need instructions on how to wire everything up..
Remora is only $9 bucks or something - and can give you 3 modes for extra runtime. But it's your build...do what you want.
Remora is only $9 bucks or something - and can give you 3 modes for extra runtime. But it's your build...do what you want.

I thought about it for a sec but I'm going to go without it. This is an all or none light. Either it's off or on at full blast. My "fun" light if you will.

I'll hopefully order some parts for it this week to take a shot at it in the following week or two. Just getting everything together info wise.
Do you have to run a pent.? I just want off and on (full brightness). The heatsink from download looks nice! Thanks for the heads up. The Shoppe also sells some nice heatsinks with the star shape already cut out for 3 of them.
The I bought one of the download heatsinks to play around with. As there are no built in grooves, any combination that will fit (3, 4, 5 or even some other combo) should be possible. Adjustable height also offers the freedom to use reflectors or optics of any depth.

At some point I want to build a mag with 4x Seoul, 1x LuxIII Red emitters where the red will be on a separate switch (possibly actuated by twisting the bezel, since that will no longer be used for adjusting focus). I can have all the emitters on, with the red serving to boost the color rendering, or turn the red light on alone to preserve night vision. (Better than a filter -- as in "red only" mode I'm going to be using less than 20% of the power...)
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The I bought one of the download heatsinks to play around with. As there are no built in grooves, any combination that will fit (3, 4, 5 or even some other combo) should be possible. Adjustable height also offers the freedom to use reflectors or optics of any depth.

At some point I want to build a mag with 4x Seoul, 1x LuxIII Red emitters where the red will be on a separate switch (possibly actuated by twisting the bezel, since that will no longer be used for adjusting focus). I can have all the emitters on, with the red serving to boost the color rendering, or turn the red light on alone to preserve night vision. (Better than a filter -- as in "red only" mode I'm going to be using less than 20% of the power...)

Just be careful with that positive slug on the SSC - unless the heasink is anodized at least. That's why I like the PTS2 - SSC stars are electrically isolated.