I went to work naked yesterday! Anyone else?


Newly Enlightened
Aug 11, 2023
Nashua Newts Hampshire USA
I left home without any flashlights yesterday! I always carry an Emissar D2 in my pocket but forgot it in the morning. I have another D2 on my EDC belt bag but since I was biking I left the bag at home. I usually bike to work so I didn't have any of the larger lights in the car. So that only left me with the white/IR emitters on my phone and the Cygolite Metro on my bike. Fortunately I was not completely in the dark for the day.
You shall be forgiven as you have confessed to your wrong doing. I bet it did feel weird. I also bet you won't do that again. Don't be too rough on yourself. We have all done dumb stuff.
Not even at my most exhausted and 15 minutes late staggering down the hallway to start the day in the home office can I stand to be undressed. Back when I did on-call and it may well be an actual production emergency at zero-dark-thirty, OK. But for the actual workday it's part of the ritual to get into the work mindset.
i went to pickup a bedside table once without a flashlight...

i just told the salesgirl that it was cold outside, she understood.

I've lost count of the days since I've been 'torch nekkid'. Maybe possibly Christmas Day two years ago??? Hopefully I'm not doing the truth an injustice to say I think it's been almost a decade. :drool:
Before I opened the thread I taught, "WOW what a job the guy has, i wonder if he was the only one naked there" then i opened it, and it is about flashlights, meh, boring. lol

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