If I could only buy 2 lights...keeping cost down


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 30, 2001
After about a year and a half of buying/trying/reading light posts on the forum, here's what I've concluded if I could only buy 2 lights.


1. Keychain light that's with you all the time.
2. LED light for camping (good run time).
3. Light that's not too bright to mess up night vision.
4. Lights that are compact, durable and won't let you down when you need them
5. Light to keep in your car for emergencies (including COLD weather)
6. Light to find things you drop in the grass or the weeds
7. Light to see "What the heck IS that?!?"

...and, the final point, keeping the cost reasonable for lights, batteries and bulbs.

Drum roll please...as we open the envelope!

If I was to buy a 3rd light: Infinity Blue-Green ($12 @ TTS)
If I was to buy a 4th light: Energizer 2 LED folding lantern ($8 @ Walmart)

An ARC AAA (turqoise) and a Brinkman LX.
ARC AAA: $21 at TTS plus shipping
Brinkman LX: $20 at Walmart

The ARC AAA works very well for usages 1 thru 4 (plus bulb won't burn out in your lifetime) and the Brinkman for usages 4 thru 7. Having both gives the best coverage overall. If the Brinkman's bulb ever burns out, breaks or the batteries run down...you've got the ARC AAA with you! When you need to throw some serious light that the ARC just won't do...you've got the Brinkman. If it is REALLY cold and the alkalines just won't put out in the ARC, you've got the Lithiums in the Brinkman. Since the ARC AAA puts out ENOUGH light for many needs, the expensive Lithiums for the Brinkman won't eat you alive for cost!

Both use very compact and light weight batteries so having/carrying extras is no burden.

If I could buy a:
3rd light - Infinity Blue-Green ($12 @ TTS)
4th light - Energizer 2 LED folding lantern ($8 @ Walmart)
I made my own little list of two lights the other day, but I can't say I was really very pleased with the outcome. For example, Surefire didn't end up in there anyplace. My ideal requirements were that there should be one incandescent and one LED light, they should be small, they should run off AA's, already be in my possession, be waterproof, have a momentary on-switch (like a tail-switch), have a lanyard hole/loop, be rugged, and possibly have a belt clip. The only two of my lights that met most of the requirements were my UK MiniQ40 and my CMG Ultra.

No momentary on-switch is a bummer.

The first lithium powered light I bought for the car was the Uke2L. Gave $20 for them and they do the job. But these days, they are priced a bit higher than the LX so the LX is the ticket when you consider price. I like my ARC's but I might want a little bigger led so I might consider the new Streamlight 7 led that everyone is raving about. It appears to be a bang for your $.
Big Tex,

I didn't think the LX was super waterproof where the 2L is. Is that correct? That might give the 2L an advantage.

Of course the UK Mini Q40 can be loaded with lithiums or not, gives longer runtime, is waterproof and is cheaper to boot.

Hi folks.....Saaby here....if I could only have two lights......

I'd have to say an Arc AAA for my small light.

And 5 Arc AAA's rubber-banded together for my big light.

Then, I'd throw a couple of hot chicks in my Saab and proceed to light their fire.


Actually, I'm going to have "one" of my lights soon.....an Arc LS. Yay!!

Then I'd probably want a Surefire E2e or even an E1e. But man.....I really want an Arc AAA LE too.

On second thought.....I can't decide....just give me all the flashlights.

Dan out

***** edit ****** I just went back and saw the part about....keeping costs down.....so just ignore my post.
John, you are correct. I forgot about that aspect of the Uke. Also, I like the Uke shape better. I keep hoping someone will put these on sale again for $20. lol My LX situation is funny. I went for over a year and my Walfart never had them. Now, the shelf is full of them. Great little light for $20.
My choices would be:

PT Surge

Remember, lithium lights are nice for emergencies, since the shelf life is so long on them. You don't need to worry as much about leaking batteries after 2-3 years of storage.

My personal preference:

Arc LS
Surefire E2
Arc AAA and...Arc LS

NO actually the Arc AAA but the Arc LS is probably not the best choice for a second light. I have a bone wo pick with you though, you said:

7. Light to see "What the heck IS that?!?"...The ARC AAA works very well for usages 1 thru 4 (plus bulb won't burn out in your lifetime) and the Brinkman for usages 4 thru 7.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Should be revised to "The Arc AAA works very well for usages 1 through 4 and 7...

Dan...You were close but I can't stand (some) rubber, and rubber bands are by far the worst!
Arc AAA 3.1 (or CPF edition or LE)
SureFire M2 (or the G2 / G2Z if you are trying to keep the costs down).

If you really don't want to spring for a surefire, I have really liked my Streamlight Poly-pro 3C police model. It uses 3 C batteries, is highly waterproof, and very bright. Plus...it's < $30. IMO, this light can be vastly improved with some "write-right" film...

Finally, if you want to stick with all AA batteries, go for a CMG Ultra and a PT Tec-40.

This latter option should cost you less than $45
For a "what the f-- was that f--ing noise?!?" light, I'm beginning to strongly favor the new Surefire G2Z with Nitrolon body and Pyrex glass lens. Used with the 120 lumen high output lamp, you won't have any problems identifying whatever it was that made that sound. Plus, you can use it as an emergency firestarter by holding a small lens in front of it.

And when used with the 65-lumen lower output bulb, it's fairly comparable to the E2 series both in brightness and runtime.

It won't win any points for being "cheap to feed" like an Arc-AAA or any AA cell light, but it's brighter than heck.
Well, bang for the buck if I could only have 2 I would have:

CMG Infinity Ultra-g

Both waterproof, both share batteries, both nice bright lights with good runtimes.

If cost was not an issue, nor common batteries:
ARC AAA LE or Turq
Surefire E2/E2e

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