I'll say it again -- don't use alkaline cells!


Jan 11, 2020
Dayton, Ohio
Just bought a nice brassy Olight i3S light. complete with gift box, sleeve, manual. The "S" models are hard to find and rather valuable. See the picture below. I could see this before I bought it, no surprise. The AAA cell has leaked white corrosive crap (WCC) into the case.

What if this was shipped with the cell installed like so many Olights that are sent out with AA or AAA alkaline cells installed? Let's say this was one of those, "New, sealed in box!" It would be junk.

I own another pair of gold (yellow) i3S lights. One is OK. The other has a dark, black corroded battery compartment and the threads are now black. Had to drill an alkaline cell out of it. Ruined.

Any light arrives with alkaline cells in it -- opened and either left empty or a Li cell installed, box resealed.

Now if you really think you need alkaline cells, think carefully. If you aren't going to be draining power regularly, try a Li cell. Lots of use, Eneloop. You really want a cell that is guaranteed to destroy your device if left sitting?

Too true. Have tried storing brand new, unopened packages of duracells, energizers, and Kirkland alkaline double and triple A batteries to supplement my rechargeables and lithium primaries. Unfortunately, I have had multiple leaks with the alkalines over the last two decades. Now I stick to lithium's only for long term storage.
Yep. Friends don't let friends run alkaleaks. Yesterday we literally threw away the new Duracells that came with our new Blu-ray remote.
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Haven't most large import mfgrs eliminated supplying alkalines?
Manker come without cells (AA) along with their recommendations to use eneloops or lion
in case the stuff hit the fan and i looose power
Let's face it, the stuff hit the fan at the start of Covid. Then we had riots and cities being looted and burned. Then we had the shipping crisis so bad they ripped out an oil pipeline. Then we had what's going on in Europe followed by a food, fertilizer, and fuel crisis. Let's face it. The stuff hit the fan. The plumbing backed up. Now that mess has risen to the ceiling and the fan is now a blender.

I too have a supply of alkalines as well as a decent stash of lithium primaries. Not all devices will handle the higher current of lithiums and I don't have enough Eneloops to hand out to everyone in an emergency. During a prolonged emergency, I may have to resort to using the alkalines myself, but I won't put them in my good lights unless I have exhausted all other options first. I hate how leaky alkaline batteries have become and I will not store them in any light. If they're used, they get used up, then removed immediately.
I had a leak in a NIB flashlight as well, however it was a lithium CR123 pre-installed.
Battery juice everywhere inside, thankfully no permanent damage.
Granted, the battery was out of date for more than 10 years, but as you said, you can't really know if the manufacturer in it's ultimate wisdom decided to put the batteries in or not.
id guess id say i have 80 litiums and 250 alkilines i stock up when its cheap to buy
Basically, alkalines are fine if you store them in the package, and keep the package in a drawer that doesn't contain anything else that would have a problem if a bit of KOH got out. Install, use, remove within a week or two. I keep a set of alkaleaks in a ziploc next to the emergency device they're for. I think if I were serious (as in, had other supplies like water) then I'd come up with something that didn't use alkalines. (i.e., no devices that couldn't use Li or LSD NiMH)

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