In the movie "The Descent"


Jul 22, 2004
I've searched on google for big glowsticks and only come up with those 15" single ones and those twisty ones. Does anyone know where to get those double thick long ones like those chicks use in the movie "The Descent?"

BTW, that movie makes me want to buy more powerful lights, batteries, headlamps, etc. And I actually bought like 20 extra glowsticks that day after. :D
Yeah, I agree. The funny thing is, the first part of the movie made me want to get a better headlamp.

The second part made me realize I never want to go caving!

Aren't those double barrelled glowsticks just two single glowsticks taped together? Someone was just asking about these in a Tomb Raider thread.
That thread is what reminded me to post one about this movie, because I've always wondered. If I remember correctly though, the ones they used in "The Descent" ,there was no black tubing or tape or anything at the ends. It may be 2 15' sticks taped together, they just looked look killer glowsticks to get.

gunga, the opposite for me, it makes me want to explore some caves, but with a lot of very good lights!

Does anyone else think the flare thing was not necessary or damaging to vision when esp. in closer areas in the cave? I'd imagine instant retina burning.