incan-test of three brands 18650s


Jan 7, 2009
The Netherlands, Amstelveen
Now I have three different brands and some lamps, I thought it might be a good idea to share the results of my small test, in which I compared the performance of three different brands 18650s with two different lamps.
I used an M6 with 2X 18650s as a test setup.

I tested them with these two bulbs:
WA1111, when overdriven to 7.2V it will draw 3.6Amps(!)
WA1274, which is a 7.2V lamp and will draw 2.77Amps.

1. the AW 18650-2600:
AW claims, this one will fire up the WA1111 in the first click. YES: this is true.
Capacity tested was a little under 2500mAh @ 2A discharge rate.
Of course, the other lamp was no problem at all.

2. the Trustfire "true 2400mAh":
This one seems to be THE one and only good battery from DX in this size - at this moment! I holds it voltage very well, in fact just as good as the AW cells(!) It will remain at 4.18V after more than 24 hours.
Capacity test was a real eye-opener: the claim "true 2400mAh" was indeed... true 😱
I came to a little over 2400mAh @ 2Amps discharge rate!
Test with the WA1111 revealed a weakness however: it requires double-clicking to fire it up. This can be done in a relaxed way though, there may be SECONDS between the clicks, indicating these batteries are NEARLY strong enough to fire up the WA1111 with a single click.
The WA1274 was no problem at all.

3. The Wolf Eyes LRB-168A (2600mAh):
The first positive encounter was the capacity test: the FIRST one that could make the claim "2600mAh" :thumbsup:
I got a few mAh over the 2600mAh-mark.
Also, the discharge curve of this battery was the flattest of all!
Then, the WA1111-test... it required three to four clicks to get it alive....
With the WA1274 installed, it even required double-clicking.
These ones are clearly designed for the WE lamps that draw 1.9 Amps.
More is not recommended as you can see... at least not for incans!

EDIT: with an AW soft start, I used these WE batteries to power up the mighty FM1909... which was no problem at all, although it draws a heavy 5.5 Amps(!)
So, the cells certainly are capable of delivering more than 1.9 Amps continuously, the protection PCB has been set to quite a low trigger-level however. Peaks in current are seen as an overload when the lamp draws more than, let's say, 2 Amps. The soft start will prevent those current-peaks, so the batteries won't switch off...

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