Incan Vs Warm-Neutral LED

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Oct 17, 2007
I was impressed with the color rendition and penetrating abilities of incans and wondered if warm-neutral LEDs, given the closer color tint, perform almost as well. Need inputs from pros here :)
Not sure I am a "PRO" but I think "almost" is accurate.My Malkoff M60WL is very much like incan but not quite the same.Given an incan of equal brightness I think the incan would be better.With the extended runtime available with the Malkoff I would choose it over the incan though.I would even choose my INOVAs(T1-T2) over an incan for the same reason even though they are not considered to be true warm LEDs like the Malkoff.It is always nice to have both of course and incans seem to throw better than LEDs in similar sized lights.
I would also note that this will vary with the individual so the only real answer is to see for yourself.
There are numerous threads on this topic, which usually proves contentious and divisive. We do not need another one just now, so I'm closing it.
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