Inova 24/7 headstrap gives me unlimited headlamps

Omega Man

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 15, 2005
East Coast
Well limited to the number of single cell lights, at least.
Always on the lookout for a better headlamp, I knew that I had the means to whip one up myself. And I knew the Inova 24/7's headstrap was the key.
It took me two days of putting it off and not thinking of it, when suddenly it hit me. Flip it upside down! Wear the headstrap upside down, so that a light swings from down-to-up, instead of how the 24/7 faces forward-to-down on the swing arm.
Right now I'm using broccoli rubber bands, since they're plentiful, thick, and small sized.
Here was the first attempt, Fenix L0PSE. I have a River Rock clip on the L0PSE, and actually clipping it to the arm works great, but will stretch the clip out if I left it on there alot.

A shot of the clip on the swing arm:

A Fenix L1S, it works well as well as a L1P, and any other model I'm sure:

A Q3 on there, needs two bands to keep it stable. I could use the clip also and just one band for a more stable fit, but again, those clips stretch easily:

So it seems any single cell light, a Surefire E1E, E1L, Fenix L1x, AAA lights work great since they're light weight, and even CR123 lights work, when properly secured. Using a light's clip on the arm, the way the 24/7 is supposed to clip to it, works great. I really think this may be The End of headlamp searching for me. With the Q3 on there, it's exactly what I want.
L0PSE comes in at a close second, only because the Q3 is brighter.

This was one of those moments where something so unimpressive and trivial, makes you feel like you just cured the common cold. You shoulda seen how excitedly I ran around lashing lights to this and playing around the dark bedroom. :cool:
I hope at least one person gets pleasure and use of this thread. And if it's been done before, I apologize.
Ah thanks for the great idea! I never used the headband, now I can attach my CL-E and use it.
Came back from camping and brought this setup. I wore the Q3 on the hike in, in the pouring rain and worse conditions on a hike we've ever had. The rain, on top of all the leaves and wet stones, made this hike a complete PITA, and one of us took a harsh fall. I barely avoided it myself, I grabbed a sapling as I fell backward off a 4 foot drop, and it saved me. My friend did not even get the chance, so he slipped on and over the side of the drop, luckily his pack took most of the fall.
Anyway, the Q3(with SSC) ran for about 45 mins and left me shafted in the rain trying to change batteries. Booo! THEN the cell I assumed was fresh, went out on me 10 seconds after turning it on. This was NOT the time and place to be messing with all this jive, so I angrily condemned it, and slipped the LOD CE on the arm, by the clip I put on it, and used it the rest of the weekend with great results. It was fine for the rest of the hike and the rest of the night. And I only needed to use 2 cells for 2 nights. I don't know if the RCR123 got wet on the way into the Q3 and set the protection off, that;'s my best guess. But I will be using the LODCE for my headlamp from now on.
I think it'd even be worth getting one of the Eagle Tactical lights with the clips, and have it be double duty as my EDC and headlamp when camping.
From reading the title, I thought this was going to be some sort of thread about how you destroyed your Inova 24/7 headlamp, but customer support said as long as you have the strap for it, they will replace it, and you kept doing this over a period of three years and acquired a collection of over 500 headlamps, and I was all prepared to give you this very long speech about how this type of abuse of customer support destroys companies, and by extension destroys the American economy, which destroys the world's economy, and thus prevents companies from making a profit which limits their ability to make contributions to worthwhile causes in developing third-world nations where they don't even have basic needs met such as clean water and sanitation, and eventually this will lead to the downfall of humanity and in a hundred billion years when aliens finally visit the Earth, they will just find a muddy ball with a kazillion deteriorated artifacts except for all the Surefire lights which will probably be intact.

So, you've deprived me of a chance to post a really fun message! :)

Sorry to snatch the fun from out under ya, Toshi! Next time I'll just bash open a light instead of rubber banding it, and getting a worthwhile use from it :p

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