Inova Customer Service?


Dec 21, 2006
Eastern Pennsylvania
I called Innovative and verified that my 24/7 arrvied on 11/20. Tomorrow is 2 weeks since they received it. (They promised it to ship out of Thanksgiving). Is 2 weeks too soon to call them again and ask where it is? I am impatient when it comes to getting a light repaired that was not working out of the box.
I would give them a call just to double check whats going on,they may be backed up due to the holidays.I used CS once and it was quick but I am only one state away from them.
You don't have to wait two weeks to call and find out where you're property is, call them everyday if you want or until you receive an answer that is suitable for yourself.
I agree with everyone above, if it seems too them and find out.

That said, I had no problems what so ever returning an X1 that was dead in the package upon purchase. (I bought it for $5 at target, so who am I to complain!)
They've had my T4 since 10/29. Every time I call (which is about once a week) I get the same story: "That should ship by the end of the week".....:ohgeez: