My apologies to you, GL, and others.
i'm lazy & use too many abbrev. & not enough caps when i type a post.
you're right, it's NOT "orange peel" (hence the "dots"/periods to distinguish to the astute oberserver, like yourself).
o.p. & i.p. are sort of standard, IME, in electronics.
o.p. = output
i.p. = input
VDC = volts DC
DC = ah..., you already know what this one means, just funnin' w/ya (hope you don't mind)
IME = in my experience
IMO = in my opinion
IMHO = in my humble opinion (which i don't use much anymore, unless i forget, since, in all likelihood, a truly humble person wouldn't even recognize that they are humble and so identify their opinion as humble - 'ok', too philosophical - sorry)
IIRC = if i recall correctly
BTW = by the way
TTFN = "ta ta for now" as Pooh's pal Tigger used to say
w/ = with
w/o = without
th/f = therefore
b/c = "b-cuz"
b/f = "b-4"
some std. (standard) Latin abbrev.
e.g. = exempli gratia = example/sample/specimen/representative ["for example" is often given as its meaning]
i.e. = id est = it is (lit. it to be/exists) ["that is" is often given as its meaning in English writing]
viz. = videlicet = one may see/clearly/evidently [sometimes given the meaning, "that is" or "namely" in Eng.]
my "old-timers" is actin' up, so i'm forgettin' some other common ones that i use.