Inova T3 got really hot, like ouch hot


Apr 19, 2007
I was at work yesterday and I realized my new model Inova T3 light was on. It is in a nylon pouch on my belt. So i open the strap and pull it out and it is hot. I had to almost imediately drop the light because it was that hot. The whole body, even the tailcap was hot. I got it turned off and let it sit for 5 minutes or so and when it was warm but not too hot i opened it up and inspected the batteries. The batteries seemed fine, and were not as warm as the body. The flashlight has a 1.5 hour life if i recall correctly and it was still pretty bright so i know it wasnt on for more than 1.5 hours.
Im worried about how this got so dang hot and what kidn of damage that might have done to the circutry.
I know the new LEDs can create heat throught the electricity circuts, but this was very hot. Im going to give inova a call about this one.

Any thoughts?
pretty normal for leds. they produce heat. depending how long you left it on it can get pretty hot
Like so hot you cant touch the whole body?

Its possible. It was in a pouch which means that the heat would have been insulated, As for damage i don't think much could have happened. I'd run it for a few minutes to make sure its working fine (Outside of the pouch) and from here on ensure that you lock-out the tailcap from now on. You don't have to lock it out a lot just enough so that if the tailcap is pressed on that it wont light.
I called Inova today and they told me to send the flashlight in. The woman i spoke to told me that it shouldnt get so hot that you cant hold it. So i guess ill send it in and maybe theyll look at it or something maybe they will just replace it!
Of coruse i was going to buy a rebel LED and try to mod the T3 but if i send it in then cant do that.
I called Inova today and they told me to send the flashlight in. The woman i spoke to told me that it shouldnt get so hot that you cant hold it. So i guess ill send it in and maybe theyll look at it or something maybe they will just replace it!
Of coruse i was going to buy a rebel LED and try to mod the T3 but if i send it in then cant do that.

I highly doubt that they'll "look at it" most likely they'll send you back a Refurb or a new unit entirely. I've never sent a Inova in so i don't know.
Interesting....I've had a few Inovas T5, T3, X0 and never had heating problems. That solid body acts as an excellent heatsink so I can only agree - It was probably the pouch insulating the "heatsink". If I get a chance over the weekend I'll turn one on in the pouch and monitor temp with a thermocouple. I'll let you know the outcome.
Interesting....I've had a few Inovas T5, T3, X0 and never had heating problems. ...

There is a difference in heat between the newest, "brighter" Inova models and the earlier ones.

The new 2007 version T1 and 2-watt X1 are the only Inovas I own which start to warm up after a few moments of use. I haven't left them powered on for long periods of time so I don't know how warm they will become.

All my 2006 vintage Inova lights which use Luxeons and 5mm LEDs, e.g., X1, X5, T1, T3, T4, XO2 run cool.
The "2007" Inovas' such as the T1 and T3 use a K2 emitter ( I'm sure the T2,T4 and T5 do as well )The K2 is the hottest running emitter I know of. However, as Inova stated, it should not get so hot you can't hold it.

Last year I had a older version T5 that did the same thing. Never figured out what the cause was, never got an answer from Inova, but they made it right .
As promised I measured temp rise on a (2006) T3 over a 5 minute run both in and out of the pouch.
Out of the pouch the body temp increased by 1 degree C over 5 mins. In the pouch the rise was 5 degrees at 5 minutes and still increasing when the time was up.
Since I had a brand new T5 on hand I gave it 5 mins in a pouch and the temp rise was 6 degrees C.
Since neither test went long enough to reach thermal equlibrium (or some other horrible end point) I might have to start a new "movement"...LET YOUR INOVAS HANG FREE.:huh: