As most of you probably know, Inova has dropped the stainless steel bezels on their new updated T3 and T4. Their official explanation is that they did it because of complaints by "law enforcement and tactical users." The only possible compaint I can imagine is about the SS shine "giving them away." Law enforcement people give themselves away with all the rattling gear they carry anyway. But I can understant how it might be aproblem when mounted on guns, with the bezel not covered by any holster. Elighten me about how big of an issue this really is.
But do you folks believe that Inova did it because it really got a significant number of complaints or do you think maybe two people actually complained and Inova is just using it as an excuse for cost cutting? Just curious.
But do you folks believe that Inova did it because it really got a significant number of complaints or do you think maybe two people actually complained and Inova is just using it as an excuse for cost cutting? Just curious.