Interest in a Seattle area GT?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 15, 2008
Washington State
Is there any interest in a get together in the Seattle area (actually south east of Seattle probably) for a show and tell and possible swap meet? I don't have a date in mind other than possibly sometime in September on a Saturday afternoon evening.
I am trying to make it so it doesn't step on the Vancouver GT. :)

We had a pretty good turnout in May. I have had a number of people ask if we were going to have another at the same place (the party barn in Renton).

There seems to be an interest in holding another one. I am kind of leaning toward just past mid-September.
Since I have a 2 hour drive, a saturday works best for me. However I will be there this weekend, but it's our anniversary getaway, so don't think Mrs Mini would be appreciative of me leaving her.
How would Saturday the 18th of September work for people? I can get the party barn that day/evening.

If you know people that might be interested please check with them on whether that date will be good. I don't know if Mike is able to come at this point.

I know that I have a number of friends and family that are now interested in coming to see and buy some of these cool flashlights. :) Show someone a good light and they want one. :poke:
Okay, sounds like the 18th will work with more than just me :)

Like before I will go start setting up tables and such about 4 or 5, but i don't really expect people to show up until 6 or 7.

I called Mike at PTS, but haven't heard back from him to see if he will be able to come.

So time to spread the word!
I started a Google Group so that people don't get left out of these if they miss the thread. If someone wants to be invited via email in the future, check out

I've made it invite-only, with the ability to request membership. I know how messy things can get, so better to deal with a little inconvenience at first to keep the spamming down.
I missed the last one due to not hearing about it until afterwards. :sigh:

Can probably make the 18th, though. Got to work the Huskies game, but it should be over with before it gets dark.
I am sure we will be there until well after the Husky game.

Has anyone heard from Mike to see if he will be coming?

We can setup to have a potluck again. Hamburgers, hot dogs, and such worked pretty good last time.
The pot-luck idea sounds good. I never really know what to bring though, and it always seems like there's more than everyone can eat. Perhaps people should post what they plan on contributing.

I tried calling Mike at work, but nobody answered, probably out fishing... :sssh:
I think the hamburgers and hot dogs were a hit. I can work with one of the other participants to get the fixings for hamburgers and hot dogs and then we can coordinate with others for chips, sodas, and salads and cookies.

I will call some friends and let them know it is on :)

Show and Tell. Sometimes it is just nice for someone to get to touch a light that they are interested in.

Swap meet. Just know that there may be people that want to trade or buy. :)

So spread the word :poke:
Well maybe I can just bring some cash to help with food :)

Dan and Sarah know about it, they're not sure if they can make it though.

I'll see if I can contact a couple others that have been to our get-togethers.
It looks like I'll be in southern Oregon on that weekend. :( I'll have to sit this one out.

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