Interupted Runtime Test with Li-Ions?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2007
Naoussa Greece
hi all1
I need to amke an Interupted Runtime Test with my MC-E module and a, AW 17670 in a SF 5P.
Obviously i am concerend with the thermal issues, thus my desire to measure in 5 min increments.

Now...I now that even Li-Ions will recover and show (along with the module) new peaks each session but how critical is this and how reliable will be my test?

Am I expecting larger or smaller runtime and by what (in an aproximation) ?
Results will be plenty close if all you need is a good general approximation...

Consider the fact that most flashlight use will be in short bursts, an interrupted run test may be more accurate for real world applications than a continuous one anyways.
Consider the fact that most flashlight use will be in short bursts, an interrupted run test may be more accurate for real world applications than a continuous one anyways.


Li-Ion doesnt recover squat unless its being overloaded , 1 single 17650 in a Quad high power led, or incan Qualifies :) so i guess it will recover a bit :ironic: which leads right back to the thingee Mdocod said, if your running it that hard, on that little battery, your probably not going for a 3 hour hike anyways (at least on that level).
if the LED module overheats or changes via the driver and all, that too would be like real life, and SHOULD be part of a test that demonstrates the viability of the lights/batteries use at any levels or any ammount of time.

your test will always be as reliable as your parameters for the test. Meaning if you tell everyone , in (say) the review, HOW you tested, then they can relate it directally to how they Use. or you could do BOTH tests :) intermittant normal use, and extended normal use.

if everything goes Badly in a test, they are MORE likly to go badly in real life :) so for the purposes of review, there is nothing wrong with things going badly, and that being partly relative to real life.
if a light overheats when sitting free air, instead of being heat sincked to a human, then that (too) should be indicated. many do, so the tests could be inclusive of how it works when your using it free air, because that happens, and when using it in hand, because that happens too.

putting it back on the pitri dish (mount) for accuratly testing the lumens then might not be so easy, but then (that dang real life thing) when is the manuel aim that accurate anyways :)
mabey we need faux human hands for light testing mounts, sounds like time for the ballistic gell (mythbusters style)
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