I thought some might like a brightness comparison for the stock NiteIze 1W drop-in.
To give you and idea of the stock performance right out of the box, the NiteIze drop-in with the IQ switch combo on HIGH is just the tiniest bit brighter than my C-LE is on MEDIUM. Most 1W Luxeons seem to hit right about this level, unless they are very heavily overdriven, so I think the NiteIze driver is doing a pretty good job for a drop-in, and when I make the switch to the SSC U-Bin emitter, I expect the combo to beat the C-LE by a small margin, which will make it a very nice little light indeed.
So the stock Niteize LED does provide at least a useable level of light, but as I mentioned in a previous post, I plan to change the emitter anyway, but if you want to avoid this kind of custom work, you can try the IQ switch with one of the new Teralux or other higher output drop-in emitter upgrades, but getting one that will work with these higher performance drop-ins seems to be only 50/50 right now.
When it's working it's a pretty nice little unit, and the concern about power drain is silly because the original maglight twisty switch continues to function so you can just tighten the head to lock out the light against accedental turn on and to disable the locator beacon function.
Of course the whole reason that some want to use the IQ switch in the first place is because they have disabled the head switch with a small washer under the drop-in to get better heatsinking, but even in this situation I don't think the locator flash will matter much if you are using NiMH because even with the new low self discharge cells, I find the batteries need to be charged every month or two in typical use, and if you loose a single day due to the tailcap locator flash, who cares?
Personally I am just going to upgrade my stock 1W Niteize drop-in to a better emitter, because it seems to run without overheating, and I don't want to loose focus ability by doing the washer trick.
So I think the IQ switch is well worth the time and money, but you will want to check the IQ swich you recieve to make sure it's working well with the drop-in you plan to use it with, by momentarily restoring the original maglight tail cap and comparing brightness on high.