Is 3.7V RCR safe for P2DR100 on strobe?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 14, 2007
I use my Fenix Rebel 100 quite a bit in strobe mode in L2D configuration, but would like to use it with the P2D body and Li-ion rechargeable. OTOH, I *really* don't want to fry it or damage the emitter, as I quite like the tint and the wider hotspot than a Cree. Are there any reports of trouble with this combination?
You'll be fine. The light goes into direct drive as that is a boost circuit. Strobe won't overheat since the light is not constantly "on". I've used 3.7v in direct drive on a P2D Cree of mine and it was fine. Over time, after quite a bit of use, it will be a little harder on the LED, maybe cause premature tint shift or dimming, but for the most part, you're fine.

One final point, though. My rebels always run hotter than my crees. I'm not sure if it's because the die is so small, but whatever the cause, they do.
Rebels have a lower Vf overall so they will be drawing more current during direct drive.

As for strobe and 3.7v RCR123s, you would have probably moved on to another light or swapped the LED(maybe multiple times) but the time the LED dims enough for you to notice by eye.
Thanks for the reassurance. I should have added that I use the strobe mode for bike commuting, so the light sees 12 to 20 mph cooling air flow during operation, typically at 50 to 65° F, except for a couple of 1 to 2 minute stops at traffic lights, and sometimes cooling water (Seattle rain:grin). How much this affects the temperature at the die, I don't know.
I thought that the modes dissapeared when a RCR123a was used on the P2D and only turbo mode worked until the battery has dropped in voltage? One weakness of the P2D.
My p2d R100 with ultrafire grey protected rcr123 wont screw all the way down due to extra length of RCR. So strobe mode cannot be activated.

Try using a shorter cell, unprotected might fit.

// Santza
I have some AW protected cells, which are shorter. Just tried one and it strobed away fine.
How heavily it will be overdriven just depends on the Vf of the LED you have, so it's based on the "lottery" so to speak. Some P1D/P2Ds will tolerate 3.7V cells better than others.


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