Is 355nm visible to the human eye?

355nm would generally not be visible; though some people may see a very dim, deep violet glow.
405nm would be visible to everybody, and would appear as a slightly bluish-violet color.
smoke from your EYE??? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon15.gif, thats just not right
WildRice said:
smoke from your EYE??? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon15.gif, thats just not right

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, the way Lasik works is by vaporizing corneal tissue with a high-power pulsed laser. I saw (and smelled) a little bit of the, um, "vapor." It's normal for Lasik, although it's a little creepy when I think about it.
The old axiom is that you can see it... once.

All joking aside, unless you have revision v.2.0 of "human-eye-wetware" you will be unable to see 355nM. Im still waiting on my upgrade.

strangely enough, 405nM appears as a very very very faint purple, somewhat similar in color to an 808nM diode through an "IR sensitive" camera.

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