Is a crenalated bezel like the 6P Defender ok for air travel??

I won't use the word "strike".... just worried if some over zealous official will take a look at it and pass it off as "spikes" and then proceed to confiscate it...

Am planning to change out the bezel onto an Z2 and I don't particularly relish the thought of losing my Z2...:D
I think you're best to leave it at home or in the suitcase. These guys see a cool new toy, and they'll find an excuse to take it home.

But in a more logical sense, a strike bezel 'could' represent a potential threat.
I'm sure they've taken more benign things away.........
"It's a nightlight-stand head, see, you put the light face-down on a table and turn it on, it allows light to spill out, a perfect little nightlight"

"It's to help keep the head cool when you set it head-down on a table when it's turned on"

or just don't even bring it up, act as if it's a non-issue (which it should be), certainly don't describe it as a "weapon"

i'd imagine something like the E2D would be harder to slip by, with the words "Executive Defender" boldly etched on the body tube, a Gladius might get some raised eyebrows with it's gripfins at the back (as would the Maxlite series), but those you can explain the back-fins away as an anti-roll device, which they are
People have reported carrying their e2d's on planes before. It doesn't seem to be an issue at all.
I don't expect it would cause problems. But i wouldn't bring my surefire m3, mostly for the same reason as the person above me said he wouldn't bring the E2D. It says "M3 Combatlight".
greenLED said:
People have reported carrying their e2d's on planes before. It doesn't seem to be an issue at all.

As Greeny said, shouldn't be any big deal. However TSA has the power to confiscate anything they deem a threat. If in the unlikely event it gets to that point ask (be cool and nice) if you can have it back if you don't go through security. Then check it or mail it home. Some airports have a service that allows last minute shipping of such items. Check with your carrier.
I can't stress enough to remain calm and friendly. It will allow you to keep an item that raises their interest.
Have a good trip!
Toons :)
I would take it on the plane if I was you. But remember just because most people got through doesn't mean you will. I have gone through with a container of lithium cells but once they confiscated my wife AAA Alkinline cell. We didn't argue, I just wanted to go home.
Purchase a lens cover for it, then apply it when travelling/remove it when carrying the light between flights. The cover will make the top edge look benign, protect the lens in your luggage/carry-on, and the cover is easy to attach/remove.
i have picked up a prisoner from Miami, Fla. carrying a loaded S & W 45acp but had to give them my nail clippers, go figure. :hairpull:
I believe on the e2d its part of the head. Don't know about the 6p.

On the other hand, don't worry about flying with one. My SO flies with her E2D about once every couple weeks. Never had a problem. And she works for the TSA, so if a screener tried to prevent her from taking it on board, she would very quickly set them straight :)
shinbone said:
Purchase a lens cover for it, then apply it when travelling/remove it when carrying the light between flights. The cover will make the top edge look benign, protect the lens in your luggage/carry-on, and the cover is easy to attach/remove.

Lens cover... mm... what does it look like? Where can I get one?
I went on the plane with a bunch of lights! The E1L I had on me through screening has a TAD impact bezel(a lot sharper than the 6Pdefender) and they looked at it for a second, relized it was a flashlight and sent me on my way. I tought I'd have more trouble considering what was in the case I had in my carry on!


The E1L I carried on.....
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Tessaiga said:
Lens cover... mm... what does it look like? Where can I get one?

Surefire makes them (FM37 Beamcover for 6P), they are rather bulky looking but built like a tank. The cover consists of a rubber sleeve with an engineering plastic quick-release clamp around it and on the front is a hinged cover with aluminum to protect the lens itself.

Surefire's webpage for the 6P model is here:

And is available through them, or I personally like BrightFlashlights which always has better than retail pricing and often has Surefire parts available. Calvin is the guy who runs it and he can be found at this link

He might even have a standard 6P bezel replacement if you would rather the option of two types of bezels.

I have a cover for my M2 bezel on a scout light for my rifle and it really does it's job well.
I hate checking luggage for a few reasons, if I can avoid it. I've also been leaving lights at home to avoid problems/delays. I've had this same concern and I just don't want the (possible) headache.

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