Voider of Warranties
I ordered several standard 6P's from BHPhoto around 2010 or thereabouts, and the one below (which was in a standard 6P package) is clearly a 6P Defender with what appears to be Type III anodizing. A few questions come to mind. Did SF even make a Type III Ano Defender? Can Type II Ano simply look like Type III (i.e. not shiny)? Ignoring the gap-filler O-rings I've added (and the steel Xeno bezel replacing the OEM aluminum), has anyone seen this model before? I've been keeping this one safe in a drawer as if it were rare or unique. Comments?
Edited for clarity: I just realized that the exposure of this shot might look like the finish is grey natural anodizing in which case (as most of you know) there would be no question of it being Type III. However, it is black.
Edited for clarity: I just realized that the exposure of this shot might look like the finish is grey natural anodizing in which case (as most of you know) there would be no question of it being Type III. However, it is black.
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