

Mar 29, 2017
So here's the story. I bought a multi mode head from Malkoff for use with an old surefire E2d. It says on the website I may have to clean off the anodizing off of the threads so the head will function. The head functions but only on my newer surefire e series lights. Would it be tangible to clean the anodizing off the threads? Also how would I do that? Is there a chemical without ruining the rest of the light?
Like Byk suggested, be careful with aircraft paint stripper (strong toxic stuff) can make a mess of things. Paint remover will soften ano making it easy to blast off using glass bead media. You'll need to locate a bead blast cabinet, and before blasting, tape off areas of finish you don't want stripped

Curious to what Malkoff recommends using to remove anodize? You can message him on his website.

..or here @Gene43, he's not a regular but checks in from time to time on the Malkoff threads

I dont know the head, ...
... when the electrical connection inside the head also goes on the "flat" part, like inside a typical end cap,
it should be enough to just do a short sandpaper swipe at the top of the body,
not even touching the delicate threads, which are perfectly safe with their anodizing.
For jobs like this, I tape off what I don't want removed then I apply EZ Off Heavy Duty Oven Cleaner (contains lye) to the area to be stripped of anodizing. You can then either spray it on or spray a brush or q tip to apply it with accuracy. Let it sit 15 minutes and rinse under cold water. I did this to an E series body to run a Malkoff head that required unanodized threads. Worked like a champ. Best of luck.
Thank you all for your input, but I have decided because this is such a vintage E2D executive and it being in such nice condition, I decided against doing the work on the threads. Instead, I bought a Tactician, which is an E series body and threads that will not have anodizing on the threads to use my malkoff with. Thanks again for all your input!