Is Fenix LOD CE still the best AAA light?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 25, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I have been holding off on buying the Fenix LOD CE for a long time. It seems like nothing better is going to come out anytime soon. Should I go ahead and buy the LOD CE?
It's ringy and only comes in black, but in my opinion it's the best out there commercially when it comes to features, output, quality, and value.
EngrPaul said:
It's ringy and only comes in black, but in my opinion it's the best out there commercially when it comes to features, output, quality, and value.

+1. Best value out there in the market at the moment, but not the ultimate possible light. A textured reflector and silver / nat HAIII would get it VERY close though. I am completely smitten with mine.
i'm a bit fond of Millermods 2-stage custom AAA lights. they're based on Arc AAA lights. they're simple, do not use PWM, have a HA3 finish and are slightly smaller (but more expensive) than the Fenix.
Have a look at the LiteFlux LF2.

It is more expensive than the Fenix but has more features and a lower low.
The user can program the levels they want to use and PWM is at a very high rate so there is no flicker. IIRC run time is also a little better.

The Huntlight FT04XJA3 SSC also seem like a nice candidate. Like the LF-2 and contrary to the Fenix, it has HAIII finish.
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Maybe I'm blind, but I cannot find any information on the Lite Flux LF2. Can anyone point me in the right directing i.e. reviews/where to buy?
Outdoors Fanatic said:
The Draco stomps all over it.

At roughly 3 times the price, I should hope that it would.

*edited to add* Nothing against the Draco at all. It looks like an awesome little light. I just personally don't want anything that expensive on my keyring right now. If that fits your budget, more power (Lumens?? :D) to you!
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I recently bought the Huntlight SSC AAA from Lighthound becuase of that great special they were having, I was not planning on getting the light, but decided to go ahead and through it in with all the other great stuff I bought. Honestly I was very dissapointed with the Huntlight SSC AAA. The light output was pitiful and the o-ring tore the second day I had it. Also the top part of the head came unscrewed a lot of the time I tried to turn it on. Plus half the time I turned it on, the light would flicker and go out. I may have gotten a bad light, but I doubt I order another Huntlight. I am sending it back, and wanted to know if I should get the Fenix LOD CE instead. I really want a AAA light. Although the Draco looks really nice, this light will be on my keychain and will not be used as much as other lights. So i am not looking for a GREAT light, just one thats bright and reliable. Of the past Fenix's I have had, I have never had any problems. I should have probablly bought the LOD CE a long time ago.
revolvergeek said:
At roughly 3 times the price, I should hope that it would.

It does stomp it....and at only HALF the size of the LOD-CE. I feel the chrome version is priced very well. Yes it is 3x the price of the Fenix, but it beats it in output, is half the size, and built much better. It is one of my top three favorite lights that I own....and that says a lot for the little Draco because I have quite a collection :)

If you are on a budget, buy the LOD-CE. If you are willing to spend the extra $$ for a better built, smaller, and brighter light; buy the Draco chrome.
revolvergeek said:
At roughly 3 times the price, I should hope that it would.

Exactly revolvergeek. Even at 3 times the price I'm not sure that's the best comparison verbiage. I don't think that if I was making my way through a dark house with a LOD-CE and another guy was doing the same thing with a Draco, that I'd be getting stomped all over with some kind of massive disadvantage...:laughing:

Lumenation, I've got 2 LOD-CEs and I've been so please with the performance and value that I couldn't be happier with them. I don't think that you could go wrong with this light. Good luck on you decision :)
Calina said:
The Huntlight FT04XJA3 SSC also seem like a nice candidate. Like the LF-2 and contrary to the Fenix, it has HAIII finish.

I believe the L0D-CE has an HAIII finish. Or is it so weak that you guys don't consider it HAIII?

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