Is It Still Safe to Order Online?


Newly Enlightened
Aug 30, 2008
With the global economy in the toilet, what are the chances that you are sending your money to a bankrupt business?

In a fringe area, like flashlights, nobody would know until you hear about it on a place like this.

I always use Paypal, but I don't know how to settle a dispute or even make a claim. I have been lucky so far thanks to your recommendations.

However, it depends on who you buy from.

If you are wanting to order stuff besides lights then CPF isn't much help unless someone has done business. If you are wanting to a flashlight, someone on here will know of a place to order it from a reputable store.

Most stores deal with CPF in some way or another.
If you look around and research the business you intend to order from, then it should be fine. Usually you'll know about a company going under before actually ordering from them, but it's good to do your homework.

Paypal and most (if not all) major credit cards offer excellent protection to the buyer, sometimes even too much.

I ended up doing a chargeback on a bankrupt company and they were able to recover the money, or they ate it, either way, fine by me.

As long as you're using one of those methods, you should be safe buying anything online.
You guys at CPF have given me some great advice and steered me to some great deals.

I guess I get a little antsy dealing with companies for the first time.
Check with your credit card company first to make sure they will remove a charge for non-received item, or from a bankrupt company.

Most CC companies will do a chargeback on your notification, but give the seller a chance to explain/verify that product was provided/delivered as represented.

I always use credit card option with PP now, unless it is someone I know very well, or unless it is a small amount. If you win your protest in PP cash transaction case, but seller has no money left in their account, many have verified that you will not get money from PP...hence using CC for PP payments.
If it's a credit card and you file a dispute within 60 days of the charge showing up on your statement, you actually have some pretty good protections. You are not required to pay the disputed amount and the CC company cannot asses finance charges until they determine that there was not billing error (a charge for an item not delivered is a billing error).

You just need to make sure you send the written notice to the specific address designated by the cc company (either on the monthly statement or an annual billing resolution statement -- up to the cc company which one they give).

And don't be fooled by the Visa/MC on your bank debit cards... I never use my debit card except at my ATM or in an emergency. You don't have the same protections -- most importantly, you are out of the money from your bank account until the dispute is resolved. For CC cards, you don't pay until resolved...

Check with your credit card company first to make sure they will remove a charge for non-received item, or from a bankrupt company.

Most CC companies will do a chargeback on your notification, but give the seller a chance to explain/verify that product was provided/delivered as represented.

I always use credit card option with PP now, unless it is someone I know very well, or unless it is a small amount. If you win your protest in PP cash transaction case, but seller has no money left in their account, many have verified that you will not get money from PP...hence using CC for PP payments.

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