I knew I was not the only one around here with a problem. At least most of your guys can admit it as well.
I know I have a problem, but I guess I really don't want help that bad, unless it consists of upgrading some of the stuff I have with mods!
Thing is, I have a problem with knives as well!!!
I started doing custom knife scales recently and that is the perfect excuse to go out and buy about 20 knives in the last month. So I guess flashlights are not the only reason my bank account is depleted! :devil:
I have to agree, Benchmades are good knives. I have carried a BM CQC7 for years and years. I have semi-retired it now, but I have several others, like Grips, mini-grips, 710, 910, etc.
Spyderco also makes some good stuff. They can be a little ugly to some people, but their hole opening system is the easiest to learn to open one handed for the newbies, IMO. And a model like the Delica is a great size for almost anyone and legal most everywhere in the US.
And for the budget minded, I think Columbia River Knife and Tool makes some good stuff.
I just got a couple new Zero Tolerances (301, 350) and Emersons (CQC-8, Commander) and I am liking all of them, particularly the ZT301 (it is a tank!)
I got some funny looks at church a couple weeks ago, when I joined a pickup basketball game after services. I had to empty my pockets of my EDC stuff and it consisted of 3 knives and 2 lights ... that day I was carrying a 5.11 Karambit, Boker Karambit, and a Spyderco Military. Lights were a Nitecore Extreme and a Surefire L4 with TLS-2 head. Call me crazy, I am sure some people there thought I was, but that is ok.